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MrMiau MrMiau
Posts: 512
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
One example of an economic community is the organization started by France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. This organization is known as the
 A) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
  B) European Economic Area.
  C) European Free Trade Agreement.
  D) European Union.
  E) Euro Economic Alliance.

Question 2 - Pure Training, Inc
  Pure Training, Inc, is a company that helps people start their own businesses. As part of the training it provides, the company covers many different aspects of entrepreneurship for Internet-based companies. One principle its trainers focus on is customer service. They also stress the importance of connecting with current and potential customers. Developing a social media presence is another focus of Pure Training in its entrepreneur-based sessions. The trainers provide their clients with sufficient market research and statistics to understand trends in various areas that involve the Internet and social media. Pure Training prides itself on helping entrepreneurs launch and maintain successful businesses through a major Internet presence.
  Refer to Pure Training, Inc If clients (the business owners) were asking for workshops to allow their customers to listen to audio files about their product or service, Pure Training would be organizing ___________ workshops.
 A) blog
  B) podcast
  C) social content site
  D) social game
  E) forum

Question 3 - Paul wanted to know about the skills and experience needed to qualify for a management position with JCPenney. Thus, he called and asked the personnel specialist to send him a job
 A) description.
  B) specification.
  C) analysis.
  D) orientation.
  E) inventory.

Question 4 - Quitor Inc, which is based in the U.S., contracts with Falconnien Suppliers, a small-scale supplier in Taiwan, to manufacture its computers and tablets across the world. This strategy by Quitor Inc is an example of _____.
 A) joint venture
  B) franchising
  C) exporting
  D) foreign outsourcing

Question 5 - CAFTA, NAFTA, OECD, and OPEC are all examples of
 A) political organizations.
  B) peace treaties.
  C) international economic communities.
  D) World Trade Organization members.
  E) democratic organizations.
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6 years ago
[ 1 ]  D

[ 2 ]  B

[ 3 ]  A

[ 4 ]  D

[ 5 ]  C
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