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hbuedu hbuedu
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6 years ago
The nurse instructs a patient about application of corticosteroid cream to an area of contact dermatitis on the right leg. Which patient action indicates that further teaching is needed?
  a. The patient takes a tepid bath before applying the cream.
  b. The patient spreads the cream using a downward motion.
  c. The patient applies a thick layer of the cream to the affected skin.
  d. The patient covers the area with a dressing after applying the cream.

Question 2

The nurse is caring for a patient diagnosed with furunculosis. Which nursing action could the nurse delegate to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)?
  a. Applying antibiotic cream to the groin.
  b. Obtaining cultures from ruptured lesions.
  c. Evaluating the patient's personal hygiene.
  d. Cleaning the skin with antimicrobial soap.

Question 3

The nurse assesses a patient who has just arrived in the postanesthesia recovery area (PACU) after a blepharoplasty. Which assessment data should be reported to the surgeon immediately?
  a. The patient complains of incisional pain.
  b. The patient's heart rate is 110 beats/minute.
  c. The patient is unable to detect when the eyelids are touched.
  d. The skin around the incision is pale and cold when palpated.

Question 4

A patient who has severe refractory psoriasis on the face, neck, and extremities is socially withdrawn because of the appearance of the lesions. Which action should the nurse take first?
  a. Discuss the possibility of enrolling in a worker-retraining program.
  b. Encourage the patient to volunteer to work on community projects.
  c. Suggest that the patient use cosmetics to cover the psoriatic lesions.
  d. Ask the patient to describe the impact of psoriasis on quality of life.

Question 5

An older adult patient with a squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) on the lower arm has a Mohs procedure in the dermatology clinic. Which nursing action will be included in the postoperative plan of care?
  a. Describe the use of topical fluorouracil on the incision.
  b. Teach how to use sterile technique to clean the suture line.
  c. Schedule daily appointments for wet-to-dry dressing changes.
  d. Teach about the use of cold packs to reduce bruising and swelling.

Question 6

When assessing a new patient at the outpatient clinic, the nurse notes dry, scaly skin; thin hair; and thick, brittle nails. What is the nurse's best action?
  a. Instruct the patient about the importance of nutrition in skin health.
  b. Make a referral to a podiatrist so that the nails can be safely trimmed.
  c. Consult with the health care provider about the need for further diagnostic testing.
  d. Teach the patient about using moisturizing creams and lotions to decrease dry skin.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Creams and ointments should be applied in a thin layer to avoid wasting the medication. The other actions by the patient indicate that the teaching has been successful.

The answer to question 2

Cleaning the skin is within the education and scope of practice for UAP. Administration of medication, obtaining cultures, and evaluation are higher-level skills that require the education and scope of practice of licensed nursing personnel.

The answer to question 3

Pale, cool skin indicates a possible decrease in circulation, so the surgeon should be notified immediately. The other assessment data indicate a need for ongoing assessment or nursing action. A heart rate of 110 beats/minute may be related to the stress associated with surgery. Assessment of other vital signs and continued monitoring are appropriate. Because local anesthesia would be used for the procedure, numbness of the incisional area is expected immediately after surgery. The nurse should monitor for return of feeling.

The answer to question 4

The nurse's initial actions should be to assess the impact of the disease on the patient's life and to allow the patient to verbalize feelings about the psoriasis. Depending on the assessment findings, other actions may be appropriate.

The answer to question 5

Application of cold packs to the incision after the surgery will help decrease bruising and swelling at the site. Since the Mohs procedure results in complete excision of the lesion, topical fluorouracil is not needed after surgery. After the Mohs procedure the edges of the wound can be left open to heal or the edges can be approximated and sutured together. The suture line can be cleaned with tap water. No debridement with wet-to-dry dressings is indicated.

The answer to question 6

The patient has clinical manifestations that could be caused by systemic problems such as malnutrition or hypothyroidism, so further diagnostic evaluation is indicated. Patient teaching about nutrition, addressing the patient's dry skin, and referral to a podiatrist may also be needed, but the priority is to rule out underlying disease that may be causing these manifestations.
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