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Duhitzlitzy Duhitzlitzy
Posts: 594
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6 years ago
The nurse recognizes that a client with a tumor in the temporal lobe might exhibit which symptom?
  1. Global aphasia
  2. Receptive aphasia
  3. Mood swings
  4. Personality changes

Question 2

The nurse notes that a client was treated for labyrinthitis on a previous admission. To determine whether the problem has resolved, the nurse should ask the client:
  1. Have you noticed any drainage from your ears?
  2. Are you still having earaches?
  3. Are you having difficulty with your balance?
  4. Do you ever have ringing in your ears?

Question 3

When caring for a client who has experienced a massive trauma, the nurse recognizes that the response of the sympathetic nervous system to stress correlates with which assessment finding?
  1. Dilated pupils
  2. Increased peristalsis
  3. Decreased pulse
  4. Urinary urgency

Question 4

A client's CT scan indicates the presence of an abnormal mass near the hypothalamus. The nurse understands that this could affect the client's:
  1. speech.
  2. fluid balance.
  3. problem-solving skills.
  4. ability to follow simple directions.

Question 5

A client is scheduled for positive emission tomography (PET) of the brain. The nurse should teach the client to:
  1. withhold food and fluids for 4 hours prior to the test.
  2. lie perfectly still during the procedure.
  3. drink an iodine preparation 2 hours prior to the test.
  4. eat a high-protein diet after the test.

Question 6

The nurse checks the laboratory report on a client who recently had a spinal tap. Which cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) content should be of concern to the nurse?
  1. High water content
  2. Few white blood cells
  3. High glucose content
  4. Many red blood cells

Question 7

A client scheduled for an electromyography (EMG) study asks about the purpose of the test. What should the nurse explain to the client?
  1. Will identify velocity of blood flow in a vessel.
  2. Measures brain electrical activity.
  3. Stimulates contraction of muscle fibers.
  4. Records electrical activity of muscles.

Question 8

An older client is having visual field testing. The nurse should monitor the client for:
  1. dizziness.
  2. fatigue.
  3. vomiting.
  4. pain.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Answer: 2

1. Global aphasia involves damage to both Broca's area and Wernicke's center.
2. Wernicke's center, which is responsible for understanding the written and spoken word, is located in the temporal lobe.
3. Mood swings are controlled by the frontal lobe.
4. Personality is controlled by the frontal lobe.

The answer to question 2

Answer: 3

1. Drainage and earaches indicate an ear infection.
2. Earaches would relate to an ear infection and/or ruptured ear drum.
3. The inner ear, or labyrinth, contains receptors that respond to gravity and head position, helping to maintain balance.
4. Ringing in the ears can be a sign of ASA toxicity.

The answer to question 3

Answer: 1

1. The sympathetic nervous system response to stress is to dilate pupils.
2. The parasympathetic nervous system response would be to increase peristalsis.
3. The parasympathetic nervous system response would be to decrease the pulse.
4. The parasympathetic nervous system response would be to cause urinary urgency.

The answer to question 4

Answer: 2

1. The hypothalamus does not control speech.
2. The hypothalamus regulates temperature, fluid balance, thirst, appetite, emotions, and the sleep-wake cycle.
3. The hypothalamus does not regulate problem-solving.
4. The hypothalamus does not control the ability to follow directions.

The answer to question 5

Answer: 1

1. The client should be n.p.o. for 4 hours prior to the test.
2. The client does not need to lie perfectly still for this procedure.
3. The client will have an IV started, and a radioactive solution is given.
4. The client should be encouraged to drink extra fluids following the exam to aid in the removal of the radioisotope.

The answer to question 6

Answer: 4

1. High water content is normal.
2. A few white blood cells are normal.
3. High glucose content is normal.
4. CSF should not contain red blood cells.

The answer to question 7

Answer: 4

1. This describes a carotid duplex study.
2. This describes an EEG.
3. This describes evoked potentials.
4. During an EMG, needles are inserted into muscles and recordings are made of the electrical activity.

The answer to question 8

Answer: 2

1. Visual field testing does not cause dizziness.
2. Visual field testing can cause fatigue in the elderly client.
3. Caloric testing of the ear can cause vomiting.
4. A fluorescein stain can cause stinging when testing the eye.
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