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anu30 anu30
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6 years ago
HollywoodBranding is a new promotions company formed by three former ad execs who had illustrious careers in large multi-service advertising agencies. Over their years in account management and creative work, they developed close ties with a number of Hollywood movers and shakers. Consequently, they feel poised to respond to the business world's growing desire for branded entertainment. But they are aware that they need to continually fight their old school ways of thinking about branding, forged in years of working solely with traditional media. A potential client has lunch with the owners of HollywoodBranding to discuss a new kind of promotion for his gourmet cookware. Beyond his magazine and newspaper advertising, he is looking for the perfect form of branded entertainment. The owners come prepared to pitch several ideas involving projects they're aware of, and by the time coffee is served, they all agree to have the
 a. cookware appear in the kitchen of a well-known sitcom family.
  b. company sponsor a cook in this year's Pillsbury Bake-off.
  c. cookware mentioned in a new movie set in a New York restaurant.
  d. company fund a new PBS cooking show for amateur gourmets.

Question 2

How does sales promotion differ from promotion in general?

Question 3

Individuals and business organizations that buy finished goods and resell them to make a profit without changing the physical characteristics of the product are classified as ____ markets.
 A) consumer
  B) institutional
  C) producer
  D) government
  E) reseller

Question 4

HollywoodBranding is a new promotions company formed by three former ad execs who had illustrious careers in large multi-service advertising agencies. Over their years in account management and creative work, they developed close ties with a number of Hollywood movers and shakers. Consequently, they feel poised to respond to the business world's growing desire for branded entertainment. But they are aware that they need to continually fight their old school ways of thinking about branding, forged in years of working solely with traditional media. HollywoodBranding promotes itself to prospective clients by saying that it is located at Madison & Vine and offers innovative brandertainment.. This means that it will
 a. act as a full-service advertising agency.
  b. be inventing humorous or imaginative brand logos and slogans.
  c. place ads in appropriate media and track subsequent media impressions.
  d. connect companies with consumers through entertainment venues.

Question 5

Individuals and business organizations that purchase products for the purpose of making a profit either by using the products to produce other products or by using them in their operations are classified as ____ markets.
 A) consumer
  B) institutional
  C) producer
  D) government
  E) reseller

Question 6

Identify and describe the four major promotion mix elements.

Question 7

In what ways can promotion be used to reduce sales fluctuations?

Question 8

MakeWaves is a promotional company with a website that offers the opportunity to sponsor a yacht in Grand Prix yacht racing. Commercial sponsors of the WaveRunner yacht can buy space for logos and graphics on the WaveRunner's sails, hulls, crew member uniforms, and trailer. For enough sponsorship money, the WaveRunner will even change its name to better fit the sponsor. The WaveRunner is scheduled to compete in five Grand Prix yacht-racing events every year. MakeWaves claims on its website that sponsoring the WaveRunner in a race could result in millions of impressions in sailing magazines and newspapers as well as on broadcast media, and offers specific calculations to those who inquire. A company that thinks about sponsoring the WaveRunner does so with the hopes that it will play a major role in its IBP effort. One potential risk of using nontraditional forms of promotion is that they
 a. involve factors that contribute to the challenge of coordinating all IBP messages.
  b. cannot be quantitatively measured.
  c. rarely make a strong enough impact on the marketing plan.
  d. cannot offer the highly targeted audience necessary for this role.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2

Sales promotion is an activity or material that acts as a direct inducement, offering added value or incentive for the product to resellers, salespeople, or consumers. Examples include free samples, games, rebates, sweepstakes, contests, premiums, and coupons. Sales promotion should not be confused with promotion; sales promotion is just one part of the comprehensive area of promotion. Marketers spend more on sales promotion than on advertising, and sales promotion appears to be a faster-growing area than advertising.

Answer to #3


Answer to #4


Answer to #5


Answer to #6

The four possible elements of a promotion mix are advertising, personal selling, public relations, and sales promotion.
Advertising is a paid nonpersonal communication about an organization and its products transmitted to a target audience through mass media, including television, radio, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, video games, direct mail, outdoor displays, and signs on mass transit vehicles.

Personal selling is a paid personal communication that seeks to inform customers and persuade them to purchase products in an exchange situation. The term purchase products is interpreted broadly to encompass acceptance of ideas and issues. Personal selling is most extensively used in the business-to-business market.

Public relations is a broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between an organization and its stakeholders. Maintaining a positive relationship with one or more stakeholders can affect a firm's current sales and profits, as well as its long-term survival.

Sales promotion is an activity or material that acts as a direct inducement, offering added value or incentive for the product to resellers, salespeople, or consumers.

Answer to #7

Demand for many products varies from one month to another because of such factors as climate, holidays, and seasons. A business, however, cannot operate at peak efficiency when sales fluctuate rapidly. Changes in sales volume translate into changes in production, inventory levels, personnel needs, and financial resources. When promotional techniques reduce fluctuations by generating sales during slow periods, a firm can use its resources more efficiently. Promotional techniques are often designed to stimulate sales during sales slumps. During peak periods, a marketer may refrain from advertising to prevent stimulating sales to the point at which the firm cannot handle all of the demand. On occasion, a company advertises that customers can be better served by coming in on certain days.

Answer to #8

anu30 Author
6 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to explain this, just got my quiz back: Perfect
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