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taysmith taysmith
Posts: 309
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6 years ago
Researchers wanted to determine whether there was an association between high blood pressure and the suppression of emotions. The researchers looked at 1800 adults enrolled in a Health Initiative Observational Study.
  Each person was interviewed and asked about their response to emotions. In particular they were asked whether their tendency was to express or to hold in anger and other emotions. The degree of suppression of emotions was rated on a scale of 1 to 10. Each persons blood pressure was also measured. The researchers analyzed the results to determine whether there was an association between high blood pressure and the suppression of emotions. A) cross-sectional; Information is collected at a specific point in time.
  B) cohort; Individuals are observed over a long period of time.
  C) retrospective; Individuals are asked to look back in time.

Q. 2

Determine the critical value for a left-tailed test of a population mean at the  = 0.005 level of significance based on a sample size of n = 30.
  A) -2.756 B) -1.699 C) 2.756 D) 2.750

Q. 3

The ______________ probability of an outcome is obtained by dividing the frequency of occurrence of an event by the number of trials of the experiment.
  A) Empirical B) Subjective C) Classical D) Conditional

Q. 4

A quiz consists of 920 true or false questions. If the student guesses on each question, what is the mean number of correct answers?
  A) 460 B) 0 C) 920 D) 184

Q. 5

Suppose a brewery has a filling machine that fills 12 ounce bottles of beer. It is known that the amount of beer poured by this filling machine follows a normal distribution with a mean of 12.29 ounces and a standard deviation of 0.04 ounce.
  Find the probability that the bottle contains between 12.19 and 12.25 ounces. A) 0.1525 B) 0.8351 C) 0.1649 D) 0.8475

Q. 6

True or False: Experiments assist the researcher in isolating the causes of the relationships that exist between two variables.
  A) True B) False

Q. 7

Determine the critical value for a right-tailed test of a population mean at the  = 0.001 level of significance with 15 degrees of freedom.
  A) 3.733 B) 2.602 C) -3.733 D) 3.787

Q. 8

The ______________ probability of an outcome is a probability based on personal judgment.
  A) Subjective B) Classical C) Empirical D) Conditional
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6 years ago
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