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letsdothis545 letsdothis545
Posts: 543
Rep: 4 0
6 years ago
The statement, Eat carrots because they are good for your eyes, is:
 a. correct because protein in carrots is important for the development of keratin, which forms the retina.
  b. correct because the vitamin A precursor in carrots becomes activated to form rhodopsin in the eye.
  c. correct because retinol in carrots will be transported to the eyes to prevent blindness.
  d. incorrect because beta-carotene is not stored in the eyes to be used for vision.
 e. incorrect because carrots provide beta-carotene, which is not the active form of vitamin A.

Q. 2

You advise your grandmother against using mineral oil as a laxative because:
 a. it cannot be absorbed by the body.
 b. it may result in loss of the fat-soluble vitamins through excretion.
 c. it may lead to toxic levels of the fat-soluble vitamins.
 d. it is not an effective laxative.
 e. it interferes with the digestion and absorption of water-soluble vitamins.

Q. 3

You would tell a person who did not meet his recommended intakes for the fat-soluble vitamins on one day to:
 a. increase his consumption of foods rich in fat-soluble vitamins.
 b. supplement his diet with a vitamin-mineral supplement.
 c. not be concerned as long as his diet as a whole provides average amounts that approximate the recommended intakes.
  d. try to consume more fats and oils to get the needed nutrients.
 e. get exposure to sunlight to increase endogenous production of fat-soluble vitamins.

Q. 4

What is true about the absorption and storage of fat-soluble versus water-soluble vitamins in the body?
 a. Water-soluble vitamins can build to toxic levels because they circulate in the bloodstream.
  b. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the liver and fatty tissues until the body needs them.
  c. The body can survive for weeks without replacing water-soluble vitamins.
 d. Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed directly into the bloodstream.
 e. Fat-soluble vitamins are needed in small but frequent doses.

Q. 5

Vitamin toxicity is more of a concern with which type of vitamins?
 a. fat-soluble vitamins because they are stored more readily in body tissues
 b. water-soluble vitamins because they are readily absorbed and circulate in the blood
  c. water-soluble vitamins because they are the main type found in vitamin supplements
  d. fat-soluble vitamins because they are found in higher amounts in foods
 e. Bvitamins because they are highly abundant in many types of foods

Q. 6

The best way to select foods that are vitamin rich is to:
 a. read the food labels on processed foods to see the listed vitamins.
 b. memorize the recommended values of the vitamins to be eaten daily.
 c. select a wide variety of whole foods to get a balance of vitamins.
 d. make sure that each food selected is the richest source of a particular vitamin you need.
  e. eat a calorie-dense diet.

Q. 7

Which statement about choline is FALSE?
 a. Choline is considered to be a conditionally essential nutrient.
  b. Choline is commonly found in foods.
 c. There are no DRI recommendations for choline.
 d. Choline plays important roles in fetal development.
 e. The body cannot make enough choline to meet its needs.

Q. 8

The amount of ____ people need is roughly proportional to protein intake.
 a. niacin
 b. vitamin B6
 c. folate
 d. vitamin B12
 e. thiamin

Q. 9

Which vitamin aids in the conversion of tryptophan to niacin?
 a. vitamin B6
 b. vitamin C
 c. folate
 d. vitamin B12
 e. thiamin

Q. 10

An uninformed strict vegetarian is at special risk for _____ deficiency.
 a. vitamin B12
 b. folate
 c. vitamin B6
 d. niacin
 e. thiamin
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