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tdd09070 tdd09070
Posts: 329
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6 years ago
Describe the effect of obesity on the development of gestational and type 2 diabetes.

Q. 2

Which of the following are acidic, water-soluble compounds formed from the incomplete breakdown of fat when carbohydrate is not available?
 a. amino acids
  b. pyruvate molecules
  c. carbon dioxide
  d. ketone bodies
  e. ammonia and urea

Q. 3

Explain the similarities and differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Q. 4

In the first few days of fasting, body protein is used primarily to:
 a. rebuild tissue.
  b. replace worn out cells.
  c. provide glucose.
  d. stabilize fluid balance.

Q. 5

A young female gymnast is diagnosed with female athlete triad. Explain how her condition may be treated and the importance of treatment.

Q. 6

The part of a triglyceride that can be made into glucose is:
 a. the saturated fatty acids.
  b. the medium-chain fatty acids.
  c. the unsaturated fatty acids.
  d. the long-chain fatty acids.
  e. the glycerol backbone.

Q. 7

Why do obese men tend to have low testosterone and elevated estradiol levels? Explain how this change in hormone levels affects male fertility.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

People with gestational diabetes or type 2 are generally obese and have insulin resistance. Insulin resistance that develops with obesity partly originates from metabolic changes initiated in fat cells. High amounts of body fat are related to an increased release of fatty acids from fat cells into blood. High circulating levels of fatty acids stimulate the production of free radicals and other proinflammatory molecules and the development of oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. These and other changes are related to the development of insulin resistance in liver and muscle cells, excessive fat storage in the liver, and increased insulin output by beta cells of the pancreas. Over time, insulin resistance can lead to the exhaustion of beta cells and decreased insulin production, elevated blood glucose levels, and the onset of type 2 diabetes

Answer to #2


Answer to #3

Type 1 diabetes is a disease characterized by high blood glucose levels resulting from destruction of the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. This type of diabetes is a carbohydrate intolerance resulting from destruction of insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. Individuals with type 1 diabetes require an external supply of insulin. It is considered an autoimmune disease. Type 2 diabetes is a disease characterized by high blood glucose levels due to the body's inability to use insulin normally, or to produce enough insulin.

Answer to #4


Answer to #5

Treatment of the female athlete triad focuses on correction of the negative energy balance and on restoration of ovulation and bone mass accretion. Peak bone mass is established before age 30, so it is particularly important that interruptions in bone development be prevented or short in duration. Vitamin D, calcium, and other supplements may be needed in addition to a balanced and adequate diet to facilitate bone development. Restoration of energy balance can reverse disruptions in reproductive hormones and bone formation.

Answer to #6


Answer to #7

Fat tissue contains an enzyme (aromatase) that converts testosterone to estradiol, and this conversion may be abnormally high in people with high body fat. Consequently, obese men tend to have low testosterone and elevated estradiol levels. Increased blood levels of estradiol inhibit secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) by the pituitary. Alterations in LH and FSH can lower testosterone synthesis. Low levels of testosterone decrease sperm production and promote infertility and subfertility.
tdd09070 Author
6 years ago
Thank you

Can you answer the others that I've posted too? Face with Cold Sweat
6 years ago
I'll take a quick look at them
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