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kourtni kourtni
Posts: 310
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6 years ago
An older male patient is upset by having to be admitted to a skilled nursing facility for extended care and renal dialysis treatments. What can the staff do to minimize this patient's anger? (Select all that apply.)
  A) Recommend counseling for anger issues
  B) Respect the patient's private possessions
  C) Offer to assist with basic needs and desires
  D) Ask the patient to explain preferences for activities
  E) Provide the patient with areas for privacy or solitude

Question 2

A nurse planning a health workshop for senior citizens wants to provide discussion topics that will interest everyone. In a typical group of seniors, which disorder will afflict the greatest number?
  A) Hypertension
  B) Hearing impairment
  C) Heart condition
  D) Arthritis

Question 3

False negative results in mammography occur in specific age groups because:
  a. older women have greater density of breast tissue.
  b. older women have less density of breast tissue.
  c. younger women have greater density of breast tissue.
  d. younger women have less density of breast tissue.

Question 4

The home care nurse is concerned that an older patient is at risk for a kitchen fire. What actions can the nurse recommend to reduce the risk of this occurring? (Select all that apply.)
  A) Avoid placing electrical items near a water source
  B) Instruct the patient to stay in the kitchen while cooking
  C) Encourage the use of meal delivery services to reduce cooking
  D) Recommend the use of a timer to check the food on the stove
  E) Suggest a microwave be used to heat liquids and not the stove

Question 5

The American Cancer Society recommends that baseline mammograms be performed on women
  a. between the ages of 15 and 21.
  b. between the ages of 35 and 39.
  c. over 40 years of age.
  d. over 18 years of age.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

B, C, D, E
Nursing homes are not like home environments. If a patient does not want to be in such a facility, anger can occur due to loss of control and freedom. To help the patient adjust to the new environment the staff can respect the patient's private possessions, offer to assist with basic needs and desires, ask the patient to explain preferences for activities, and provide the patient with areas for privacy or solitude. The patient does not need counseling for anger issues. The patient's reaction to the new undesired environment is not unusual.

Answer to #2

All these disorders are common in elderly people, but arthritis will afflict almost half of them. More than one-third will have hypertension, nearly one-third will have a hearing impairment, and more than one-fourth will have a heart condition. These are the top four conditions a nurse in this situation would want to present to the group.

Answer to #3

Because of the greater density of breast tissue, mammography is less sensitive in younger women, which may result in more false-negative results.

Answer to #4

B, D, E
Kitchen fires can result when unattended pots with boiling liquids become dry because the person has forgotten them. Kitchen fires can be prevented by staying in the kitchen while cooking, setting a timer to remind them to check the pot, or using a microwave to heat liquids. Avoiding electrical items near a water source will not reduce the risk of a kitchen fire but will reduce the risk of electrocution. Encouraging the use of a meal delivery service to reduce cooking would not support the patient's need to maintain independence.

Answer to #5

The American Cancer Society recommends that baseline mammograms be performed on women between the ages of 35 and 39, and annually for women 40 years of age and older.
kourtni Author
6 years ago
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