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uwin11 uwin11
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9 years ago Edited: 9 years ago, uwin11
Though you are an attentive parent, you lost track of your inquisitive toddler for a few minutes, just long enough for him to wander into the garage and open a package of insecticide that you use to control insects in your garden. You have no idea if any of the poison has been ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through his skin. You take the package away from your child and read under the "caution" section that it is an anticholinesterase. Given that this poison was made for insects, not humans, should you be worried? Explain your answer. What would happen to the child if he has indeed been affected? Explain which type of synapses could be affected. Propose an antidote (it's OK if you don't know a specific compound, just describe what type of effect may reverse the effects of the insecticide).
Post Merge: 9 years ago

I found this, it has been solved.
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9 years ago
Of course you should be worried that it is made for insects not humans. If that child would have been affected that child's nervous system.
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