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cloudddddd cloudddddd
Posts: 390
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6 years ago
Jane receives a regular pay rate of 9.50 per hour. She receives overtime pay for any hours over 40 per week.  Jane worked the following hours:  Monday - 8 hours  Tuesday - 9.5 hours  Wednesday - 8.25 hours  Thursday - 8.25 hours  Friday - 8 hours  Saturday - 6 hours  Based on the information, Jane did not work overtime and receives a gross paycheck of 456.  
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Q. 2

Beverly Weinstein, age 45, wants to purchase a 10-year term insurance policy with a face value of 100,000. (Use Tables 19-1 and 19-2 from your text) a. What are the annual payments? b. How much more will Beverly pay per year if she chooses monthly payments?

Q. 3

According to current federal law, overtime is calculated on any hours worked over 8 hours in a day.
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Q. 4

How much would Leonard's monthly premium be for a 5-year term insurance policy with a face value of 425,000, based on the tables in the book? He turned 21 years old on his last birthday.

Q. 5

Salary is a set amount of pay for a specified period regardless of the hours worked.  Wages are earnings for routine or manual work that are based on the number of hours worked.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 6

Gardenia Scent, age 40, wants to purchase a whole life policy with a face value of 50,500. What are the annual insurance premiums for this policy? (Use Table 19-1 from your text)
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6 years ago
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