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Groanier Groanier
Posts: 498
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6 years ago
Explain how self-concept develops in infants.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

Clique is another term for crowd..
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 3

Explain how social referencing functions in infancy.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

Adolescent girls are more likely to engage in structured activities than boys.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 5

Discuss the treatment options for children with autism.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 6

Adolescents tend to pick friends who have different values and behaviors from themselves in order to explore other aspects of their personalities.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 7

Describe how autistic children can be distinguished from non-autistic children.
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1

Infants eventually begin to realize that the hand passing in front of their eyes belongs to them. At about 18-months of age, infants begin to be able to detect a spot of rouge on their face in a mirror. Once the infant becomes self aware, social graces such as sharing can form. Being self-aware makes way for the development of feelings such as envy, pride, and shame. Infants over 18-months of age thus tend to seek parental approval, whereas younger infants do not.

Answer to q. 2


Answer to q. 3

We tend to use social referencing when a social situation is ambiguous. We observe those around us to see how they are reacting to the situation to help us make a decision on how to act, often modeling their responses. Infants have the ability to social reference just as adults do, but on a simpler level. For example, an infant will judge the friendliness of the expression his/her mother has on her face when interacting with a stranger, subsequently showing the stranger a similar expression.

Answer to q. 4


Answer to q. 5

Treatment for autism is mainly based on learning principles. Behavior modification is used to try to stop self-injurious behaviors. Brief electric shocks may be used, though this raises ethical concerns. Behavior modification is also used to teach new behaviors. Many autistic children can be taught to accept people and their praise as reinforcers, rather than food treats. Praise can be used to teach speech and social play. The most effective treatment programs are individualized for the child. Sometimes drugs may be used, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibiters that are used to treat depression. Some anti-schizophrenic drugs may also be used. Drugs are used to prevent self-injury, aggressive outbursts, anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, and to help stop stereotypical behaviors. Autistic behavior generally persists into adulthood, but some people with autism go to college and can learn to function independently.

Answer to q. 6


Answer to q. 7

Autistic infants are usually physically normal, learning to crawl and walk at normal ages. However, they seem to lack almost any attachments or social skills. As infants, they tend not to smile or explore things with their mouths. They do not seek cuddling or hugging and prefer to play by themselves, even when other children are present. Some autistic children even mutilate themselves in a variety of ways. As these children get older, differences become more obvious. Autistic children tend to practice echolalia and mutism. They tend to have a strong desire for exact sameness. Any change in their environment can cause an outburst. The most prominent feature of autistic children is how contently alone they seem.
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