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Aliya1 Aliya1
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6 years ago Edited: 6 years ago, Aliya1
#13.A sample of raw ground beef initially contained 113 E. Coli bacteria. After six hours, there are 139,713 cells in the sample.
What is the growth rate of the E. coli population?
Express your answer using scientific notation in the form of x.yz x 10d bacteria/hr. 

#14.In 2017, 16 bison were released into Elk Island National Park. Within the next five years, 49 more bison will be released into the 1,200 km2 area. During the study period, it is expected that 45 calves will be born and 13 bison will die or be removed from the study area.
What is the expected per capita growth rate of the bison population during this study period?
Express your answer rounded to two decimal places. If the population is decreasing indicate this with a negative sign. 

Post Merge: 6 years ago

the 1,200 km2 area should be 1,200 km^2 area instead of this"1,200 km2 area"
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6 years ago Edited: 5 years ago, bio_man
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This verified answer contains over 290 words.

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Aliya1 Author
6 years ago
That's what I kept doing yesterday but I thought it was wrong. I'm giving you the biology 30 data booklet first page has all the formulas for the last unit.
6 years ago
Wish you had told me about that a while ago

According to the link, cgr = ∆ N / N ... Per capita growth rate = change in number divided by initial population size

∆N = (factors that increase pop.) – (factors that decrease pop.)

∆N = (45 + 49) – (13) = 81 / 16 = 5.06

This makes more sense, am I right or wrong?
Aliya1 Author
6 years ago
hi bio_man, that makes a lot of sense now. Sorry i wasn't at home before... I just got back a few mins ago. Again, I apologize for being late, thank you for getting back with me Wink Face
6 years ago
As long as it's consistent with what you're learning, no we know how to move forward answering these things
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Aliya1 Author
6 years ago Edited: 6 years ago, Aliya1
i think you are right but will double check this with my teacher and will let you know
Post Merge: 6 years ago

ahaha yeah Wink Face
Post Merge: 6 years ago

i have spoken with my teacher about question #13 she told me to write out what is given and then find the correct formula. Here is what i did. Given= Ni-initial # which is 113
Nf-final # which is 139713
t=6 hours
gr=∆ N/t
gr=(139713 -113)/6
they want it in scientific notation so 2.326x10^4 or 2.4x10^4? i suck at the scientific notation parts not sure why lol but is this correct?
#14. i got the same answer as you so i think it's correct.
3 years ago
thank you
3 years ago
Thank you!
3 years ago
Thank you
3 years ago
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