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Catracho Catracho
Posts: 529
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5 years ago
Answer 2 of 4.
1). The Treaty of Westphalia brought about the secularization of European government. With that in mind, what is the appropriate role of religion as it pertains to governance?
2). The process of Imperialism and Colonialism played a role in the establishment of a "European identity". To what extent are we witnessing this phenomenon being played out in other parts of the world today?
3). How can we relate the balance-of-power system to what is happening today?
4). Mingst and Arreguin-Toft [NOTICE I REFERENCE THE AUTHORS. NEVER STATE, " ACCORDING TO THE TEXT", ... YOUR TEXT CAN NOT WRITE. GIVE CREDIT TO THE AUTHOR ]. state that the ultimate fate of the Arab Spring of 2011 remains unclear. Given that time has elapsed since their analysis was made, what can we now say about the Arab Spring? Why?
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5 years ago
I read that only two need to be answered. Here's what I found for question 3.

3). How can we relate the balance-of-power system to what is happening today?

The balance of power theory in international relations suggests that national security is enhanced when military capability is distributed so that no one state is strong enough to dominate all others. If one state becomes much stronger than others, the theory predicts that it will take advantage of its strength and attack weaker neighbors, thereby providing an incentive for those threatened to unite in a defensive coalition.

This is occuring in Europe right now. The European union wishes to unite the countries that are part of EU as one conjoined army. This will give them a better chance as rivaling the United States or Russia if their economy continues to weaken. By joining together, the balance of power is maintained on both sides.
5 years ago
2). The process of Imperialism and Colonialism played a role in the establishment of a "European identity". To what extent are we witnessing this phenomenon being played out in other parts of the world today?

Colonialism is the expansion of a nation’s control over territory beyond its borders by establishing settler colonies in which indigenous populations are directly ruled or displaced. These colonizing nations generally dominate resources, labor, and markets of the colonial territory. The idea behind this is basically a system of direct political, financial and cultural interference by a powerful country in a weaker one. The idea of colonialism is often based on the belief of ethnocentrism, or the belief that the ethics and ideals of the colonizer are superior to those being colonized. These days, colonialism takes on a different form, whereby countries do not establish 'settlers' in a foreign land, but use global businesses to introduce ideas and products to foreigners. Globalization is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. Once the foreigners get a feel of the superior product, they're influenced that the country in which the product was manufactured in superior to their own. All around the world you're likely to see a McDonald's or a Starbucks cafe, whether you go to Sweden or Pakistan. Given the vast resources that these companies can bring anywhere in the world, foreigners eventually change their perception and start to become more Americanized.

Imperialism is when a country extends its power and influence through diplomacy or military force. In the early 2000's, the United States invaded Iraq with the promise of bringing democracy to that region of the world. Of course, that was the idea that they tried selling to the American people even though it was more a geopolitical war. Iraq, at the time, was dictated by their president Saddam Hussein, and prior to him were Kings that ruled over the people. Therefore, no Iraqi baby boomer, or people of older generations knew what it was like to 'vote' for their preferred party member - this idea was foreign to everyone in the country. After Saddam had been displaced, chaos erupted in Iraq, and the democracy they had been introduced to post-Saddam fell apart, eventually leading to the rise of ISIS in Northern Iraq. More recently, after Nicolas Maduro was elected as the president of Venezuela recently, the United States (and several other countries) refuse to recognize him as president even though he was elected by the people. As a result, those who oppose him Maduro now have a ground to stand on to overthrow him.
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