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dreday dreday
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3 years ago


Patricia is boisterous and fun, the life of the party. She usually enjoys being in a crowd, and she finds it easy to talk to people and make new friends. Patricia sees herself as a people person, and that's exactly how her friends and family would describe her. Her career involves a lot of pressure and deadlines, but she tends to handle stress quite well and seeks out new challenges. There is one co-worker who aggravates Patricia a great deal, but instead of getting angry or lashing out at him, she is overly polite and sickeningly sweet to him. Because of her disposition and her ability to deal well with large projects and teams of people, Patricia recently earned a very big promotion. People who knew her when she was very young might be surprised at how far she's come in life, considering that she had a very rough upbringing in a very poor family.

Which Big Five trait score would you expect from Patricia?

high neuroticism

low conscientiousness

low psychoticism

high extraversion
Psychology: Themes and Variations

Psychology: Themes and Variations

Edition: 5th
Read 43 times
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Posts: 87
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3 years ago
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3 years ago


Patricia is boisterous and fun, the life of the party. She usually enjoys being in a crowd, and she finds it easy to talk to people and make new friends. Patricia sees herself as a people person, and that's exactly how her friends and family would describe her. Her career involves a lot of pressure and deadlines, but she tends to handle stress quite well and seeks out new challenges. There is one co-worker who aggravates Patricia a great deal, but instead of getting angry or lashing out at him, she is overly polite and sickeningly sweet to him. Because of her disposition and her ability to deal well with large projects and teams of people, Patricia recently earned a very big promotion. People who knew her when she was very young might be surprised at how far she's come in life, considering that she had a very rough upbringing in a very poor family.

Patricia sees herself in a way that is similar to how others see her. What would Rogers call this similarity?




3 years ago
3 years ago


Patricia is boisterous and fun, the life of the party. She usually enjoys being in a crowd, and she finds it easy to talk to people and make new friends. Patricia sees herself as a people person, and that's exactly how her friends and family would describe her. Her career involves a lot of pressure and deadlines, but she tends to handle stress quite well and seeks out new challenges. There is one co-worker who aggravates Patricia a great deal, but instead of getting angry or lashing out at him, she is overly polite and sickeningly sweet to him. Because of her disposition and her ability to deal well with large projects and teams of people, Patricia recently earned a very big promotion. People who knew her when she was very young might be surprised at how far she's come in life, considering that she had a very rough upbringing in a very poor family.

Which concept helps to explain why Patricia is able to handle pressure and deadlines well?

Rogers's unconditional positive regard

Freud's concept of reaction formation

Eysenck's proposal that extraverts have low arousal levels

Maslow's concept of self-actualization
3 years ago
Eysenck's proposal that extraverts have low arousal levels
3 years ago


Patricia is boisterous and fun, the life of the party. She usually enjoys being in a crowd, and she finds it easy to talk to people and make new friends. Patricia sees herself as a people person, and that's exactly how her friends and family would describe her. Her career involves a lot of pressure and deadlines, but she tends to handle stress quite well and seeks out new challenges. There is one co-worker who aggravates Patricia a great deal, but instead of getting angry or lashing out at him, she is overly polite and sickeningly sweet to him. Because of her disposition and her ability to deal well with large projects and teams of people, Patricia recently earned a very big promotion. People who knew her when she was very young might be surprised at how far she's come in life, considering that she had a very rough upbringing in a very poor family.

When Patricia is overly nice to her co-worker, what defence mechanism would Freud suggest that she is using?



reaction formation

3 years ago
reaction formation
3 years ago


Patricia is boisterous and fun, the life of the party. She usually enjoys being in a crowd, and she finds it easy to talk to people and make new friends. Patricia sees herself as a people person, and that's exactly how her friends and family would describe her. Her career involves a lot of pressure and deadlines, but she tends to handle stress quite well and seeks out new challenges. There is one co-worker who aggravates Patricia a great deal, but instead of getting angry or lashing out at him, she is overly polite and sickeningly sweet to him. Because of her disposition and her ability to deal well with large projects and teams of people, Patricia recently earned a very big promotion. People who knew her when she was very young might be surprised at how far she's come in life, considering that she had a very rough upbringing in a very poor family.

What would Adler suggest about Patricia's progress from her rough upbringing to her success in adulthood?

It reflects her personal unconscious.

It reflects her reinforcement history.

It is the result of compensation.

It is a consequence of a superiority complex.
3 years ago
It is the result of compensation.
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