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biolove biolove
Trusted Member
Posts: 1711
12 years ago
Chapter 23
Global Ecology

Answers Attached

Multiple Choice Questions
1. (p. 584) Concentrations of ozone in earth's atmosphere are highest in the
A. troposphere.
B. stratosphere.
C. mesosphere.
D. thermosphere.
E. ozonosphere.

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.1
2. (p. 592-593) Wilson and Köchy examined nitrogen deposition in six national parks on the Canadian prairies. What did they find?
A. forest cover had increased in all the parks
B. forest cover had decreased in all the parks
C. nitrogen deposition rate had increased the most in parks near urban areas
D. nitrogen deposition rate had stayed stable in parks near urban areas
E. mycorrhizal fungi diversity decreased in all parks

BT: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 23.2


3. (p. 584) Before life evolved on Earth, the atmosphere
A. had much higher concentrations of oxygen.
B. had much lower concentrations of oxygen.
C. was more or less the same as it is now.
D. had much lower concentrations of carbon dioxide.
E. had much lower concentrations of hydrogen.

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.1
4. (p. 586-587) El Ni–o events
A. occur when the Southern Oscillation index is high.
B. occur when barometric pressure is lower in the western Pacific than in the eastern Pacific.
C. include the appearance of warm currents on the Pacific coast of South America.
D. are always accompanied by La Ni–a events at the same time.
E. are accompanied by westward movement of the location of storm generation in the Pacific.

BT: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 23.1
5. (p. 586-588) El Ni–o events are linked to:
A. reduced primary productivity around the Galápagos Islands
B. increase storms in the eastern Pacific
C. droughts in Australia and parts of Africa
D. exceptionally wet condition in the southern United States
E. all of the above

BT: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 23.1


6. (p. 588) Fur seals and sea lions in the Galápagos Islands experience population declines during El Ni–o events because
A. their hibernation cues are disrupted by the unusual climate.
B. they are not capable of effective thermoregulation in the cooler waters around the islands.
C. the fish they feed upon move further offshore in search of warmer water.
D. the fish they feed upon move offshore and deeper in search of cooler water.
E. the fish they feed on are driven to local extinction.

BT: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 23.1
7. (p. 589) The fluctuation in atmospheric pressure between Iceland and the Azores is known as:
A. La Ni–a
B. the Southern Oscillation
C. the North Atlantic Oscillation
D. the North Atlantic Conveyor
E. the Northern Hemisphere Annular Mode

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.1
8. (p. 589-590) One effect of the NAO observed by Post and Stenseth is:
A. increased upwellings off the coast of Iceland
B. earlier date of flowering for plants in Norway
C. later date of flowering for plants in Norway
D. lower fecundity of ungulates
E. none of the above

BT: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 23.1


9. (p. 591) Nitrogen fixation by human processes exceeded natural nitrogen fixation around:
A. the time of the Industrial Revolution
B. the beginning of the 20th century
C. the late 20th century
D. the early 21st century
E. the beginning of the 20th century, but decreased following the Montreal Protocol

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.2
10. (p. 593) Crop land and pastures cover ___ of the earth terrestrial surface.
A. 15%
B. 25%
C. 40%
D. 50%
E. 60%

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.3
11. (p. 595) Skole and Tucker estimated deforestation rates in Brazil based on:
A. information from the Brazilian government
B. direct observation
C. reports from timber companies on board feet harvested
D. aerial photos
E. Landsat Images

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.3


12. (p. 599-600) A carbon dioxide concentration record from the Vostok ice core indicates
A. little change in atmospheric CO2 concentration before the Industrial Revolution.
B. dramatic increases in atmospheric CO2 associated with ice ages.
C. dramatic increases in atmospheric CO2 associated with interglacials.
D. dramatic changes in atmospheric CO2, but no obvious association with the glacial/interglacial cycle.
E. an inverse correlation between atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature.

BT: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 23.4
13. (p. 600) Atmospheric CO2 concentrations began their most recent steep increase about
A. 5000 B.C.
B. 1000 B.C.
C. 1400 A.D.
D. 1800 A.D.
E. 1950 A.D.

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.4
14. (p. 602) Ozone plays an important role in shaping the environment for life on Earth because it
A. absorbs ultraviolet radiation.
B. emits ultraviolet radiation.
C. absorbs visible radiation.
D. reflects visible radiation.
E. dissolves more readily than oxygen gas in seawater.

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.4


15. (p. 602) The 1987 Montreal Protocol was an agreement to limit human production of
A. carbon dioxide.
B. nitrate.
C. PCBs.
D. lead paint.
E. chlorofluorocarbons.

BT: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 23.4
16. (p. 603) LTER stands for:
A. long-term environmental resilience
B. long-transport environmental risk
C. long-term ecological research
D. local transportation of environmental residual goods
E. local transmission of ecological risk

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.4
17. (p. 584-585) Greenhouse gases help keep the surface of the earth warm by absorbing _____ emitted by the _____.
A. visible light, sun
B. ultraviolet radiation, earth
C. infrared radiation, sun
D. infrared radiation, earth
E. visible light, earth

BT: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 23.1
Learning Objective: 23.4


18. (p. 586) Negative values on the Southern Oscillation Index indicate
A. lower barometric pressure in the western Pacific Ocean.
B. lower barometric pressure in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
C. lower barometric pressure in the northern Pacific Ocean.
D. higher barometric pressure in the southern Pacific Ocean.
E. higher barometric pressure in the eastern Pacific Ocean.

BT: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 23.1
19. (p. 587) La Ni–a brings higher than average precipitation to
A. North America.
B. South America.
C. Australia.
D. All of the choices are correct.
E. both North America and South America.

BT: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 23.1
20. (p. 587-588) During El Ni–o events, coastal populations of anchovies and sardines
A. flourish as seabird populations decline.
B. decline as sea lion populations flourish.
C. flourish as sea lion populations decline.
D. decline as phytoplankton populations decline.
E. flourish as phytoplankton populations flourish.

BT: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 23.1


21. (p. 604) EMAN stand for:
A. Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network
B. Environmental Monitoring and Networking
C. Environmental Mediation and Assessment Network
D. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Network
E. Ecological Monitoring of Atmospheric Nitrogen

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.4
22. (p. 599-600) By measuring the CO2 concentration in the Vostok ice core, scientists were able to show that atmospheric CO2 concentrations fluctuated substantially over the last 160,000 years and periods of low atmospheric CO2 concentration correspond with
A. warmer interglacial periods.
B. coBTer ice age periods.
C. years of above average precipitation.
D. years of below average precipitation.
E. both warmer interglacial periods and years of below average precipitation.

BT: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 23.4
23. (p. 602) During the past century, the average global temperature has risen
A. 0.7ºC
B. 1.5ºC
C. 3.5ºC
D. 5.5ºC
E. 10.5ºC

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.4


24. (p. 599) Which of these has NOT been identified as an invasive species in Canada?
A. zebra mussel
B. moose
C. sea lamprey
D. Dutch elm disease
E. purple loosestrife

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.3

True / False Questions
25. (p. 586) Episodes of lower sea surface temperatures and higher barometric pressure in the eastern tropical Pacific are known as La Ni–a events.

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.1
26. (p. 591) Nitrogen fixation due to human activities now exceeds total global fixation by all other biotic and abiotic agents.

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.2
27. (p. 600) Human release of CO2 into the atmosphere accelerated during World War I and World War II.

BT: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 23.4


28. (p. 598) The economic costs of invasive species can be measures in billions of dollars.

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.3

Fill in the Blank Questions
29. (p. 602) Ozone in the stratosphere is destroyed during breakdown of ________ molecules.
chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.4
30. (p. 584) Most of the earth's atmospheric gases are concentrated in the ______.

BT: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 23.1
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