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Datchile Datchile
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11 years ago
Ok, I just want some opinions on this thought of mine.

If we observe Absolute Zero as a limit, a number that we can get infinitesimaly close to but never attain, and we accept the idea that we can approach most limits from both sides, than we should, at some point in time, be able to disolve atoms by taking away all the energy in them.  This is how:
First, we must accept that protons, electrons, and neutrons are made of quarks, which are made of strings, which are made of energy, thus, atoms are made of energy.
Absolute Zero is the absent of kentic energy (movement) within the atom, but, since the atom is made of energy, it would be possible to go past A.Z. and begin pulling energy out the strings and slowly disolve the atom into nothing but energy.
This has several applications in daily life: first of all, we could get rid of nuclear waste in this way...just disolve it into more energy, also if we can disolve an atom, the reverse would also be possible, create matter out of energy
if you think what i have written above is absurd than think of this...Plasma is a state where atoms have so much energy that they spin themselves apart and become individual protons, neutrons and electrons instead of one atom.  If this is possible than the reverse must also be possible.
leviathan, absolute zero means that there is NO jiggle within the atoms.
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8 Replies

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11 years ago
Good theory!
11 years ago
Please do me a favor and do not bother a physics professor with your ideas. Even though they are used to be dealing with all kinds of nuts, they are still good people who feel embarrassed when having to shoo someone off who is stealing their time.
11 years ago
I totally agree with you, I've thought about this too because AZ is such an interesting topic. The only problem now is that science hasn't advanced far enough to be able to get to AZ for any further studying or uses. Once that happens though, I'm sure the uses of AZ would suddenly skyrocket.
11 years ago
No I'm sorry, taking away energy would have to be a process and under the 2nd law of thermodynamics it could not be 100% efficient so you could not get to absolute zero with any cooling process. Also to say quarks are made of energy is misleading if not downright wrong. Particles have restmass and can't 'dissolve'.

Oh and I think you meant 'kinetic' energy - but even at absolute zero the quantum foam of space on a small scale makes them jiggle about a bit.

So I guess your theory is useless.
11 years ago
The theory is Appears to be sound, But, the testing of said theory would have to be in a closed vacuum. the explosive properties of such an experiment would bring about the wrong type of funding. But agaain, it is a good theory
11 years ago
what you argue may be ok. but think if you  want to take the material upto that stage you need  a lot of energy where would you go for that energy?
11 years ago
Hey, this is an interesting line of thought - whether it's possible to slow down the movement in atoms to the point that they don't function as atoms anymore.  Whether it's impossible or not, you've inspired me to read further Slight Smile
11 years ago
I can't really answer your question (or can anyone with any authority) when the details of string theory are at best half baked, inconclusive and based on substantial conjecture. However the point of view that you are wasting the time of scientists is just ridiculous. Whether it's a waste of their time is for them to decide, not a responder. Early beliefs that man was unable to travel more than 40 mph shows that the limits of our knowledge is not finite and there's no such thing a bad question. If that belief had been taken on without questioning we would still be on horse-back terrified of any form of propelled travel.  Carry on and ignore detractors who may have their own agenda.
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