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Yoshi Yoshi
Posts: 4092
9 years ago
Compare American and Canadian views on the size of government.

A) Americans believe the government is too small, while Canadians feel that government intrudes on individual privacy.
B) Similar nations located in North America, both Americans and Canadians feel that government is too large.
C) Americans and Canadians generally agree that government should be larger, funding welfare programs such as Medicaid and Food Stamps.
D) Many Americans believe government is too large, while Canadians recognize that government has a pivotal role to play and accept higher taxes.

This is for my political science class.
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9 years ago
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Yoshi Author
9 years ago
Muchas gracias!

Appreciate your help tremendously Smiling Face with Open Mouth
8 years ago
Compare American and Canadian views on the size of government.

A) Americans believe the government is too small, while Canadians feel that government intrudes on individual privacy.
B) Similar nations located in North America, both Americans and Canadians feel that government is too large.
C) Americans and Canadians generally agree that government should be larger, funding welfare programs such as Medicaid and Food Stamps.
D) Many Americans believe government is too large, while Canadians recognize that government has a pivotal role to play and accept higher taxes.

This is for my political science class.
muffhugger,  momo9909
5 years ago
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