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Romper Romper
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6 years ago
Cameron loves her job as a data programmer, but her co-worker Blake, is very challenging. Blake often loses his temper over aspects of shared projects that neither of them can control. When discussing projects in Cameron's work station, Blake plays with her office supplies, rearranges her desk, and leaves snack and food crumbs. Worst of all, Blake always takes the portion of a project that is the easiest, leaving Cameron to work harder and longer hours. Which of the following is not an effective method for handling Cameron's problems with Blake?
A) Cameron should invite Blake to lunch and directly confront him with her feelings.
B) Cameron should invite Blake to coffee to clarify if there are any misunderstandings.
C) Cameron should simply ignore Blake and his behavior.
D) Cameron should make a point of going to Blake's work station and leaving a mess.
E) Cameron should ask a manager to help divide the work load for the next project.
Essentials of Organizational Behavior

Essentials of Organizational Behavior

Edition: 13th
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