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steph.mcshan1 steph.mcshan1
Posts: 20
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12 years ago
I mainly just need help answering the questions the book is physioEx 9.0

Activity 3: Assessing Pepsin Digestion of Protein
Data: Please complete the following table.
Chart 3 - Pepsin Digestion of Protein
Tube #         1      2      3      4   
Additives      Pepsin, BAPNA      Pepsin, BAPNA     Pepsin, DI Water         DI Water, BAPNA
      pH 2.0 buffer      pH 2.0 buffer       pH 2.0 buffer           pH 2.0 buffer

Incubation  Cond.     Boil, Inc. 37 deg.C    37 degrees C   37 degrees C          37 degrees C
       for 60 minutes             60 min.                      60 min.                      60 min.
   0.0   0.40                          0.0   0.0
Optical Density         
Chart 3 - Pepsin Digestion of Protein (continued)
Tube #         5      6         
Additives       Pepsin, BAPNA           Pepsin, BAPNA           
      pH 7.0 buffer           pH 9.0 buffer              
Incubation  Cond.       37 degrees C                37 degrees C                
         60 min.             60 min.
Optical Density          0.03    0.0


3-1: What is the optimum pH for pepsin? Was your prediction correct about the optimal pH for pepsin activity?

3-2: Would Pepsin be active in the mouth? Explain your answer.

3-3: What are the subunit products of peptide digestion?

3-4: Describe the effect that boiling had on pepsin and how could you tell it had that effect?

3-5: What do you think would happen if you reduced the incubation time to 30 minutes for tube 5?
Summarize: ? write at least two complete sentences on what you observed by doing this experiment – think “big picture”

Activity 4: Assessing Lipase Digestion of Fat

Data: Complete the chart below.

Chart 4 - Pancreatic Lipase Digestion of Triglycerides and the Action of Bile
Tube #         1      2      3      4   
Additives      Lipase, Veg. Oil,   Lipase, Veg. Oil,       Lipase, DI Water,           DI Water, Veg. Oil,
                 Bile salts                    DI Water                   Bile salts                          Bile salts
           pH 7.0 buffer                  pH 7.0 buffer            pH 9.0 buffer         pH 7.0 buffer

Incubation  Cond.     37 degrees C   37 degrees C   37 degrees C          37 degrees C
       60 min.                     60 min.                      60 min.                             60 min.


Chart 4 - Pancreatic Lipase Digestion of Fats and the Action of Bile
Tube #                  5                         6         
Additives      Lipase, Veg. Oil,           Lipase, Veg. Oil,
                     Bile salts                 Bile salts
                   pH 2.0 buffer                     pH 9.0 buffer              
            Incubation  Cond.       37 degrees C                37 degrees C                
         60 min.             60 min.


Questions: ?answer each question; use full sentences; ask instructor if you need help

4-1: How is lipase activity measured in the simulation?

4-2: Can you determine if hydrolysis occurred in tube 5? Why or why not?

4-3: Would pancreatic lipase be active in the mouth? Why or why not?

4-4: Describe the physical separation of fats by bile salts?

4-5: Which tube had the highest lipase activity? How well did the results compare with your prediction? Discuss possible reasons why it may or may not have matched.

4-6: Explain why pancreatic lipase would be active in the mouth and the intestine.

4-7: Describe the process of bile emulsification of lipids and how it improves lipase activity.
Summarize: ? write at least two complete sentences on what you observed by doing this experiment – think “big picture”
Source  PhysioEx 9.0
Read 17172 times
3 Replies

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Valued Member
12 years ago
4-6: Explain why pancreatic lipase would be active in the mouth and the intestine.

It is PH neutral in both locations

Looks to me like you did not attempt any of it. Some of these questions are based on your predictions. Which are yours to make. You can be wrong in those, but have to explain why you thought so.
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12 years ago
3-1: What is the optimum pH for pepsin? Was your prediction correct about the optimal pH for pepsin activity? Discuss the physiological correlations behind your results. Pepsin is most active in stomach where hydrochloric is also secreted therefore optimal pH for pepsin activity was 2.

3-2: Would Pepsin be active in the mouth? Explain your answer. No, it has to be exposed to HCI to become active and HCI is not in mouth.

3-3: What are the subunit products of peptide digestion? The most important end product of digestion is the separation of nutrients, most of which are absorbed through the small intestine and distributed throughout the body cells by the circulatory system.

3-4: Describe the effect that boiling had on pepsin and how could you tell it had that effect? Boiling denature the enzyme pepsin as BAKENA was not digested in tube 1 there was no color change and it density of 0.

3-5: What do you think would happen if you reduced the incubation time to 30 minutes for tube 5? There will be less digestion in Tube 2
11 years ago
Describe the process of bile emulsification of lipids and how it improves lipase activity.
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