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Fipas Fipas
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11 years ago
Hi I just learned that I have bad heart health due to cholesterol because I am overweight. What can I do to have better heart health. And whats the best way I can start unclogging these arteries and start having a healthier heart. I have started doing cardio 30 mins a day everyday. I am serious about this. Thank you.
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11 years ago
It's awesome that you have made a commitment to change. The cardio every day will go a long way for you. But you also have to commit to the diet side of things. Cut out your trans fat and cut down on the saturated fat as well. Cut down on your consumption of starchy carbs. Also, if you are not already doing so, take FISH OIL! Get one that is high in omega3 fatty acids and aim to consume about 2 grams of omega3s per day. I am living proof that high blood pressure and cholesterol can be controlled and eliminated with diet (including lots of omega3) and exercise. Stay disciplined and spread the word to your friends and family. Your healthy lifestyle will become contagious. Enjoy!
11 years ago
I heard if you just excersize and eat right then that will really help.
work out 45 minutes every day to keep healthy.
11 years ago
Weight has little to do with cholesterol, nor does whatever you eat. Only about 25% of the cholesterol that is consumed is used by the body - and that is for use elsewhere in the body. The cholesterol that is found in the arteries is produced by your own body. Of course, given the right nutrients, the body would never make anything that is harmful to it - so there must be a reason the cholesterol is being produced.

The reason is acidic blood caused by not drinking enough water (dehydration).

Every cell in the body needs vital nutrients that water and salt deliver. When you don't drink enough water, and the cells can't get the nutrients that they need, the body will ration the water to make sure that those organs that need the benefits of water the most are taken care of.

In the meantime, the body will search for other available sources - the blood is 94% water, which makes it an ideal source. Taking water from the blood causes the blood to thicken and become acidic. As this acidic blood is pumped through the cardiovascular system, it creates tiny tears and abrasions on the inside of the artery walls.

To prevent this damage from peeling off and creating an embolism in a major organ such as the brain or the lungs, the body produces cholesterol to act as a patch, protecting the damaged areas until repairs can be made.

As long as you don't drink enough water, the damage will worsen and so will the cholesterol. Eventually, you may be looking at a total blockage.

Click on the link below to learn how to correct the problem.
11 years ago
Hey just take 2000mg of malic acid it disolves plaque in y/our arteries. 3-4 bottles over a 3 month period will clean you right out.  have the same problem and this what i take to unclogg my arteries.
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