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tonih79 tonih79
Posts: 40
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11 years ago
I've searched how your height shortens (I think) as the day goes by and I know that gravity has something do with your spine but is it because of the discs?
I'm really confused and I don't know how to word it all in my assignment. Links to any sources you've used would be really useful. Thanks a lot Slight Smile
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11 years ago
When you sleep at night, you are flat on your side or back and all your discs are at an even amount of gravity.

However when you are walking around throughout the day standing up or if you are sitting straight, all the discs are stacked on top of one another, causing the gravity to push them down as well as the physical act of walking where a small amount of force pushes your whole body down every time you step. Over time the discs become compressed from all the force, but overnight as you lay sleeping they relax back into their normal state.
11 years ago Edited: 11 years ago, bio_man
This is an interesting question really and it kinda applies to today and to past periods of time as well such as the periods of various dinosaurs and insects and plants...Nobody really undrerstands gravity during the periods of dinosaurs,.they understand the magnetic records but not so much the gravity of those times....however, even as those animals were living and dying (all types and all periods) gravity had to do one of two things for those animals to have been so incredibly huge,..either it had to be very low and thus the animals were able to grow really big easily and the atmsophere was just very thick because "it just simply was"...and there was a huge amount of oxygen and the animals Bursa tissues were just very healthy and it added to the size of the animals as well.....or,.Gravity was immense and the animals had to grow huge just to put up with the amount of wieght they had to endure just to stay alive...which might also explain the way their relative short Species type families survived relative to group types and periods in the fossil records..because there are alot of short lived species that seem to be realted to one another though out what seems to be history in that record....anyway,....in either case, Oxygen would play a critcal role here....in the first case, Oxygen would have to be hugely abundant with a thick atmosphere and in the second case, Oxygen would just have to be there but it could easily be stripped away by a huge whole earth wildfire, extra-earth missile,.... like an asteroid or comet..or, a birdlike virus could easily have swept across the entire earth in as little as a month killing all air breathing creatures that were birdlike.....what does this have to do with the spine?....everything!!!!!!....what we have in the spine is exactly what the dinosuars had in their legs and necks and those are Discs,...Gravity effects your discs severely dependent upon your wieght and the way you react to your wieght and the way your spine is adjusting to your wieght and gravity together....This is effected by one very important thing..."OXYGEN"...if  you have good oxygen flow to your spine and your discs, you're much more well off than someone that has less oxygen flowing to thiers...this is a very imprtant factor in rheumatoid arthritis, degenterative bone disease and other types of bone disorders as well...even if you smoke, the more you breathe, the better off you are...smokers tend to not beathe very much....sounds funny but it's true.....people with insomnia?...same thing,....people who snore at night?.same thing,....people who tend to wake up during the night?...same thing.....all kinds of sleep disorders can be blamed on breathing problems...and it's just being found out in the past 4 years....I know this because I have epilespsy and severe insomina and I've spent the past 6 years in hospitals in Oregon on and off being studied in sleep labs and all kinds of labs for all kinds of things and I've learned alot......I'm 52 now and Kind of a nurd I guess,..I don't have any links for you other than myself....sorry.....but I've unfortunatley done alot of studying in my life for all the wrong reasons and found the right answers somehow.
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