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lovethelight lovethelight
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11 years ago
Needing some help and would be very greatful

PhysioEx 9.0  Exercise 6

Activity 3

1.  Explain the effect that decresing the temperature had on the frog heart?  How do you think the human heart would respond?

2.  Describe why Ringers solution is required to maintain heart contractions?

3.  Explain the effect that increasing the temperature had on the frog heart?  How do you think the human heart would respond?

Activity 4

1.  Describe the effect that pilocarpine had on the heart and why it had this effect? 

2.  Atropine is an acetylcholine antagonist?  Does atrophine inhibit or enhance the effects of acetylcholine?

3.  Describe the benefits of administering digitalis?

4.  Distinguish between cholinergic and adrenergic chemical modifiers?

Activity 5

1.  Describe the efffect that increasing the calcium ions had on the heart?

2.  Describe the effect that increasing the potassium ions initially had on the heart in this activity?  Relate this ti the resting membrane potential of the cardiac muscle cell

3.  Describe how calcium channel blockers are used to treat patients and why?

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Valued Member
11 years ago
Activity 3

1.  Explain the effect that decresing the temperature had on the frog heart?  How do you think the human heart would respond?

2.  Describe why Ringers solution is required to maintain heart contractions?

3.  Explain the effect that increasing the temperature had on the frog heart?  How do you think the human heart would respond?

1. Ringer’s solution consists of essential electrolytes required for the spontaneous action potentials of the heart.

2. Decreasing the temperature of the Ringer’s solution resulted in a decrease in heart rate.

3. Fever would increase the internal body temperature and therefore increase the heart rate.
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10 years ago
For activity 4, this site will help: http://quizlet.com/16923875/lab-exam-3-notes-flash-cards/
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