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colleen colleen
Valued Member
Posts: 17077
11 years ago
The nurse, caring for an elderly patient, realizes that aging adults are at higher risk for development of heart failure due to which of the following?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. impaired diastolic filling
2. increased cardiac reserve
3. increased maximal heart rate
4. decreased ventricular compliance
5. high responsiveness to sympathetic nervous system stimulation
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Valued Member
11 years ago
1 & 4

The blood pressure is usually decreased in geriatrics, because of that there is impaired filling of the ventricles. This is a risk for HF because the heart itself is not being filled with tthe same amount of blood like it used to, lowering the strength of the ventricles to be able to squeeze, thus relating to 4, compliance from cardiac weakness of the ventricle.

When you get old a lot of things slow down, cardiac reserve not increased (2), nor is the heart rate (3) nor is there a high responsiveness to SNS stimulation.
Valued Member
11 years ago
Impaired diastolic filling occurs due to decreased ventricular compliance. With aging, cardiac function is less responsive to increased stress because cardiac reserve decreases, maximal heart rate is reduced, and the heart becomes less responsive to sympathetic nervous system stimulation.
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