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Caitlyn Caitlyn
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12 years ago
Exercise 6 Activities 4-9   
 ****I will post some of my answers, but I need help on some of them. Please add anything that will help!! Thank you!!
Activity 4: Assessing the Effect of Temperature
1.) Predict what effect a decrease in temperature will have on the heart rate? Heart rate will decrease
2.) What change occurred with cold (5C) Ringer's solution? Compare to the baseline value recorded in Activity 1? Heart rate decreased--62 bpm to 51 bpm
3.) Did this change match your prediction? Yes
4.) What change occurred with the warm (32 C) Ringers solution? Heart rate increased
5) Record heart rates? 51 bpm at 5 ; 73 bpm at 32 C
What can you say about the effect of temperature on heart rate? Temperatures play an important role when it comes to heart rate. The colder it is, the slower the heart rate; The hotter it is, the heart rate increases

Activity 5: Assessing the effect of Pilocarpine
1.) Heart rate: 47 bpm
2.)What happened when the heart was bathed in the pilocarpine solution? Heart rate slowed down.

Activity 6: Assessing the effect of Atropine
1.) heart rate: 73 bmp
2.) What is the effect of atropine on the heart? Increased heart rate
3.) Atropine is a drug that blocks the effect of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, liberated by the parasympathetic nerve endings. Do your results accurately reflect this effect of atropine?? Help!!
4.) Are pilocarpine and atropine agonists or antagonists with respect to each other in their effects on heart activity?? HELP!!

Activity 7: Assessing the effect of Epinephrine
1.) Heart rate: 82 bpm
2.) What happened when the heart was bathed in the epinephrine solution? Heart rate increased even more
3.) Which division of the autonomic nervous system does its effect imitate? HELP!!

Activity 8: Assessing the effect of Digitalis
1.) Heart rate: 43 bpm
2.) What is the effect of digitalis on the heart? Heart rate decreased
Activity 9: Assessing the effect of Various Ions **Plz help on this
1.) Heart rate: 58 bpm Calcium Ion
2.) Does the heart rate stabilize and remain stable? No it jumps up and down. It never really stayed stabilized.
3.) Describe your observations of the rhythm of the heartbeat? The rhythm was all over the place. It kept jumping up and down, couldn't stabilize well.
4.) Heart rate: 25 bpm Sodium Ion
5.) Does the heart rate stabilize and remain stable? No doesn't stay stabilized. Jumps up and down
6.) Describe your observations of the rhythm of the heartbeat? Heart rate kept changing. It went very low then jumps back up again. Doesn't stabilize long
7.) Heart rate: 57 bpm Potassium Ion
8.) Describe what happened to the recording?? HELP!!
9.) Describe your observations of the rhythm of the heartbeat? HELP!
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12 years ago
Activity 6 Question 4:
No, Pilocarpine is an agonist in how it effects heart rate activity (it increases HR). And Atropine is antagonist for the acetylcholine receptor.

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