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ehd123 ehd123
Valued Member
Posts: 778
10 years ago
Hi everyone!

I am to take an horrifying decision by choosing between these two courses... Everyone says go with what you are more interested in. But I am interested in all! Just being a biology student seems wonderful to me.
I enjoy learning about bacteria and especially parasite mechanisms and viruses... and yet the brain seems absolutely remarkable that I put that topic in high regard as well...
I cannot pick between them.
Discrimination between them would have to be based on difficulty level, relativity to biochemistry, and prospective research opportunities and careers..

Help is highly appreciated =)
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7 Replies
B.Sc in Biology
M.Sc Neuroscience
PhD. Candidate in Neuroscience

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Staff Member
10 years ago
More career opportunities in microbiology than in neuroscience.
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
ehd123 Author
Valued Member
10 years ago
You're right.. but don't you think because there are more career opportunities, everyone would be wanting to go for it, and instead it will be difficult to find a job in the first place? Frowning Face
B.Sc in Biology
M.Sc Neuroscience
PhD. Candidate in Neuroscience

10 years ago
You're right.. but don't you think because there are more career opportunities, everyone would be wanting to go for it, and instead it will be difficult to find a job in the first place? Frowning Face

Hey everyone. Jobs should be the biggest factor when deciding. I agree with Padre in that ballpark.

ehd123, ask yourself, what jobs would you get in neuroscience. Write them out and ask yourself if you see yourself doing that for the next five years? Ten years?
ehd123 Author
Valued Member
10 years ago
I agree too. This decision is for the masters program. I am not sure whether what we pick as our master specialty should be the same as what we want for the PhD. In 10 years or so, I would like to be a full time Professor of Biology. But the problem is that I still do not know which field I am interested in, and seeing that I have to take a decision for the masters program now is terrifying. This whole transition is obscure to me
B.Sc in Biology
M.Sc Neuroscience
PhD. Candidate in Neuroscience

Staff Member
10 years ago
You transition from your masters onto your PhD. You pick you masters based on your interests now. Chances are, you interests won't change, but expand. So, if you like microbiology now, you'll be in the lab non-stop researching, using new techniques, etc. You'll need these in your PhD program.
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
10 years ago
ehd123, how are we doing here?

Have you made your choice?
ehd123 Author
Valued Member
10 years ago Edited: 10 years ago, ehd123
Hello  Slight Smile It's been going alright so far, thanks for asking.. I've decided to apply to different programs at different universities.. Apparently universities graduate programs allow applications to at least 2 programs. I think I shall soon start applying to McGill, two different programs, Concordia , 2 other programs, and at my university I'm allowed to apply to 3  Confounded Face This is much better than having to pick just one to apply to.. I guess I still haven't made up my mind, but at this stage I guess it depends on whichever program I will be admitted to. Until then, if I was admitted to all, then I will definitely make up my mind as I would have done an in-depth research about each program and read articles by their respective professors.. Is that bad?  Frowning Face Going wherever the wind takes me?  Face with Open Mouth
Post Merge: 10 years ago

Microbiology and neuroscience are definitely going to be among the programs I will apply to, but I guess I would go for microbiology since I have been interested in virology and parasitology for quite some time now, and micro seems to be the "one" with more applied biology. Neuroscience tends to be really deep and interesting, but I have not yet been exposed to it, not even through a course, or article, or research. So I really have no idea about it, other than what Amy Farah Fowler from the Big Bang Theory sitcom, keeps bragging about  Frowning Face
B.Sc in Biology
M.Sc Neuroscience
PhD. Candidate in Neuroscience

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