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annaluna4 annaluna4
Posts: 4
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10 years ago
Okay so to make sense, because I am totally confused, here are the directions:
Regular insulin bolus dose is 0.1 units/kg then start insulin drip at 0.05 units/kg/hr. Check blood glucose every 30 min.

The Patient weighs 158 pounds I converted it to kilograms and it is approximately 71 kg.

The instructor wants me to answer this- If the insulin vial reads: Insulin Regular 100 units/ml...how many ml of insulin will need to be given for the bolus dose?
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10 years ago
Each ml of insulin contains 100 units. So, each unit of the insulin solution is 0,01ml

Regular insulin bolus dose is 0.1 units/kg So, you need 71*0,1=7,1 units, which is 0,071ml for the bolus dose.

After that, it's the half the amount every hour.

Does that make sense?
Staff Member
10 years ago

I'm going to mark this solved since the OP is being responsive.
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
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