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dt00108842 dt00108842
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6 years ago
Researchers studying two species of frogs found that one species seemed to be more numerous in ponds with lots of fishes whereas the other species was more numerous in ponds with relatively fewer fishes. Using your understanding of the evolutionary concept of fitness, choose the statement that best describes the situation.
  a. It is only a matter of time before one of these species becomes more numerous in both ponds because certain traits are reproduced more successfully than others regardless of environment.
  b. It is likely that the two species differ in a trait that makes one better suited to ponds with lots of fishes and one better suited to ponds with fewer fishes.
 c. Both species are likely to become extinct in the near future as neither can successfully cohabit with fishes.
 d. Over time the numbers of the two species will become more equal, regardless of the type of pond they inhabit.
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