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12 years ago
Principles of Biochemistry, 5/E

Laurence A. Moran, University of Toronto
Robert A Horton, North Carolina State University
Gray Scrimgeour, University of Toronto
Marc Perry, University of Toronto

ISBN-10: 0321707338
ISBN-13:  9780321707338
Publisher:  Prentice Hall
Copyright:  2012

Principles of Biochemistry, 5e (Moran/Horton/Scrimgeour/Perry/Rawn)
Chapter 4   Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure and Function

1) Which pair represents different conformations?
A) Cis-1,2-dichloroethene and trans-1,2-dichloroethene.
B) L-glycine and D-glycine.
C) Eclipsed ethane and staggered ethane.
D) Pentane and 2-methylbutane.
Answer:  C
Page Ref: 4-Introduction

2) Which is a reasonable number of different polypeptides found in humans?
A) 2000
B) 20,000
C) 2,000,000
D) 2,000,000,000
Answer:  B
Page Ref: 4-Introduction

3) Proteomics is
A) the study of large sets of proteins, such as the entire complement of proteins produced by a cell.
B) the manipulation of protein sequences to develop new proteins.
C) the copying of proteins to generate a lot of molecules from a small sample.
D) the specific study of the energy costs for protein synthesis.
E) the study of DNA/protein complexes.
Answer:  A
Page Ref: 4-Introduction

4) A change from one conformation of a molecule to another involves ________.
A) rotation about bonds only
B) breaking and reforming of covalent bonds
C) inversion about a center of symmetry
D) Any of the above
Answer:  A
Page Ref: 4-Introduction

5) The ________ is the single shape a protein adopts under physiological conditions.
A) minimal configuration
B) native conformation
C) primary structure
D) most stable enantiomer
Answer:  B
Page Ref: 4-Introduction
6) Structural proteins that typically assemble into large cables or threads to provide mechanical support to cells or organisms are classified as ________ proteins.
A) fibrous
B) enzyme
C) globular
D) ?-strand
Answer:  A
Page Ref: 4-Introduction

7) To what level of structure do ?-helices belong?
A) Primary
B) Secondary
C) Tertiary
D) Quaternary
Answer:  B
Page Ref: Section 4-1

8) Which statement is false about a globular protein that performs its biological function as a single independent polypeptide chain?
A) Its tertiary structure is likely stabilized by the interactions of amino acid side chains in non-neighboring regions of the polypeptide chain.
B) It could contain ?-helices that are stabilized by hydrogen bonding.
C) It likely has extensive quaternary structure to maintain its globular shape.
D) Non-covalent forces are the primary source of stability for the secondary and tertiary structure.
Answer:  C
Page Ref: Section 4-1

9) What does it mean to say a protein is oligomeric?
A) In vivo it establishes an equilibrium between two or more active conformations.
B) It has more than fifty amino acids.
C) The active protein involves the association of two or more polypeptide chains.
D) The protein has multiple ?-helices.
Answer:  C
Page Ref: Section 4-1

10) Computers are used to advance the understanding of three-dimensional protein structure by
A) determining the specific sequence of amino acids.
B) finding repeating subunit patterns.
C) calculating atomic positions from X-ray diffraction patterns.
D) collimating X-ray beams.
Answer:  C
Page Ref: Section 4-2
11) Which technique is commonly used to determine the three-dimensional conformation of a protein?
A) Isoelectric focusing.
B) The Edman degradation.
D) X-ray crystallography.
Answer:  D
Page Ref: Section 4-2

12) In 1962 Kendrew and Perutz won a Nobel Prize for
A) solving the structure of collagen by NMR.
B) determining the structure of the ?-helix.
C) performing the first sequencing of a protein.
D) determining the structures of myoglobin and hemoglobin by X-ray crystallography.
Answer:  D
Page Ref: Section 4-2

13) Which statement is false about the determination of protein structures?
A) NMR can generate sets of structures which may represent protein fluctuations.
B) The structures found by NMR and X-ray crystallography are usually very different.
C) It is often difficult to produce quality protein crystals for X-ray analysis.
D) NMR spectroscopy exposes protein solutions to a magnetic field.
Answer:  B
Page Ref: Section 4-2

14) ________ received a Nobel Prize in 1964 for determining the structure of vitamin B12. He/she also solved the structure of penicillin in 1947 and developed many techniques used in the study of large proteins.
A) Max Perutz
B) Linus Pauling
C) Rosalind Franklin
D) Dorothy Crowfoot
Answer:  D
Page Ref: Section 4-2

15) ________ is a technique used to analyze the macromolecular structure of proteins in solution.
A) X-ray crystallography
C) Affinity chromatography
Answer:  D
Page Ref: Section 4-2

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