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linn.tuell linn.tuell
Posts: 42
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10 years ago
True or False Statements:
1. Conventional current is the flow of positive charge from higher to lower potential.
2. Electron flow is in the direction of conventional current.
3. The electromotive force of a battery is the maximum potential difference between the terminals of the battery.
4. The resistivity of the material of a wire is inversely proportional to the resistance of the wire.
5. A series circuit is a current divider and a parallel circuit is a voltage divider circuit.
6. Four unequal resistors connected in series have same current but different voltage.
7. Four equal resistors connected in series have same current and same voltage across each each resistor.
8. Four equal resistors connected across a DC voltage source in either series or parallel will have equal voltage drops across each resistor.
9. Kirchhoff's voltage rule is an example of conservation of energy.
10. capacitors in series share the same charge and capacitors in parallel share the same voltage.

Multiple Choice:
11. Which one of the following is the correct expression for the electric current?
A. I =ΔQ/Δt
B. I =ΔC/Δt
C. I =ΔR/Δt
D. I =ΔV/Δt
E. None of the above
12. Which one of the following is the correct unit for resistance?
E. None of the above
13. A wire of resistivity must be placed in a circuit by a wire four times as long. If, however, the total resistance is to remain as before, the diameter of the new wire must
A. be two times smaller.
B. remain unchanged.
C. be two times larger.
D. be four times larger
E. be four times smaller.
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