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Desolo Desolo
Posts: 11831
10 years ago
Hillary had purchased a term life insurance policy and nominated her mother as the beneficiary, while William, her colleague, had a universal life insurance with himself as the beneficiary. Hillary and William recently got married and wish to nominate each other as beneficiaries in their individual life insurance policies. In the context of the given scenario, which of the following statements is true?
A) Hillary and William will have to purchase two new policies to nominate each other as beneficiaries.
B) Hillary and William will have to seek an endorsement to make the requisite changes in their current individual life insurance policies.
C) Hillary will be able to nominate William as the beneficiary, but William cannot to do so because he did not enlist a beneficiary earlier.
D) William will have to nominate both Hillary and her mother as beneficiaries for his insurance policy because existing beneficiaries cannot be denied coverage.

This is for my business law class, anything will help
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10 years ago
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Desolo Author
10 years ago
Thank you, perfectly answered.
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