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joewalcott24 joewalcott24
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6 years ago
Usually the amounts of dietary protein, Na, K, and fluids allowed on CAPD are more than what are allowed for HD and PD. The kcal allotment for CAPD is usually lower than HD and PD. Explain why this is so.
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6 years ago
Since the dialysate stays in the peritoneal cavity all day, there is a constant absorption of amino acids, Na, K, and fluids. After a meal, when the blood concentration of these nutrients goes up, they are also constantly being defused across the peritoneal cavity. As a result of this, a larger amount of these nutrients can be ingested. However, as calculated in question 4, a significant amount of glucose is absorbed from the dialysate in the other direction, accounting for a significant amount of calories. Because of this fact, the caloric content (particularly sugar) of the diet has to be restricted or an increase in weight will occur.
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