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floydian7 floydian7
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10 years ago Edited: 10 years ago, gongshow
1.   Organisms likely use visible light because
a.   a large proportion of the electromagnetic radiation on Earth is light.
b.   radiation with a higher energy than light might damage biological molecules more easily.
c.   radiation with a lower energy content than light might not have enough energy to excite electrons.
d.   radiation with longer wavelengths than light are absorbed by water and carbon dioxide.
e.   all of the above

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
a.   DNA can be damaged by ultraviolet radiation.
b.   The pigment melanin protects plants from excessive damage to their photosynthetic apparatus.
c.   Shorter wavelengths of radiation are more harmful to organisms than longer wavelengths.
d.   Human skin cells can be harmed by ultraviolet radiation.
e.   Visible light contains less energy than ultraviolet radiation.

a.   use light as an energy source.
b.   are found in protists.
c.   use carbon dioxide as a carbon source.
d.   are found in certain groups of plants.
e.   are NOT found in prokaryotes.

a.   use organic or inorganic substances as an energy source.
b.   are found in protists.
c.   use organic substances as a carbon source.
d.   are found in certain groups of plants.
e.   are not found in prokaryotes.

Under what conditions may adaptive radiation occur?
a.   when islands are colonized
b.   after the demise of a successful group of organisms
c.   after the emergence of new physiological pathways
d.   when organisms move into new adaptive zones
e.   all of the above

Climbing plants in tropical forests have a competitive advantage over trees because
a.   they grow relatively slowly.
b.   they have a high amount of supporting structure.
c.   they have a low amount of leaf biomass.
d.   they receive a good amount of sunlight
e.   they are usually parasites supported by trees.

Which of the following groups of organisms are decomposers?
a.   animals
b.   fungi
c.   plants
d.   algae
e.   all of the above

Which of the following items is NOT associated with monsoons?
a.   rain shadow
b.   reversal of wind direction
c.   adiabatic cooling
d.   high precipitation
e.   low air pressure

Which of the following is NOT true about ocean currents?
a.   They move clockwise in the northern hemisphere.
b.   They move counter-clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
c.   They are partly caused by trade winds and westerlies.
d.   They mix water thoroughly, resulting in a uniform water temperature at similar latitudes.
e.   They are influenced by the Earth’s rotation.

Some sea slugs are able to perform photosynthesis. They do this by
a.   producing their own chlorophyll.
b.   eating algal cells and moving the cells to the endodermis.
c.   having a mutualistic association with algae.
d.   having algal chloroplasts in their endodermis.
e.   all of the above.

The total potential energy in a system is called
a.   entropy.
b.   free energy.
c.   enthalpy.
d.   exothermic.
e.   endothermic.

Under which condition will a reaction be spontaneous?
a.   when ΔG is positive
b.   when ΔH is negative
c.   when the product(s) will have more free energy than the reactant(s)
d.   when ΔS is negative
e.   none of the above

The binding of a substrate to an enzyme causes a change in the enzyme’s shape. This shape change is known as
a.   allosteric inhibition.
b.   activation.
c.   reversible inhibition.
d.   induced fit.
e.   denaturation.

The part of an enzyme that interacts with its substrate(s) is called
a.   an allosteric site.
b.   an induced-fit.
c.   a reaction site.
d.   an active site.
e.   a cofactor.

Which of the following substances is most difficult to move across a membrane?
a.   Na+
b.   O2
c.   H2O
d.   glycerol
e.   CO2

Receptor mediated endocytosis
a.   moves liquids out of the cell.
b.   moves unspecified substances into the cell by forming a pocket in the plasma membrane.
c.   is very specific.
d.   involves a proton pump.

Which of the following does NOT apply to electrochemical gradients?
a.   There is a difference in the concentration of ions between the two sides of the membrane.
b.   There is a difference in the electrical charge between the two sides of the membrane.
c.   There is a difference in the electrical charge but not in the concentration of ions between the two sides of the membrane.
d.   The energy of the gradient can be used for a number of purposes.
e.   Nerve impulses are based on electrochemical gradients.

Which of the following is NOT true of symport?
a.   Two substances move in opposite directions.
b.   Two substances move in the same direction.
c.   The diffusion of one substance provides the energy for the transport of a second one.
d.   Ions are usually involved.
e.   Amino acids are one type of substance involved.

A cell needs ________ to obtain unsaturated fatty acids from saturated fatty acids.
a.   glycoproteins
b.   glycerol
c.   cholesterol
d.   phospholipids
e.   desaturases

The role of the oxygen molecules required for aerobic respiration is to
a.   accept electrons directly from either NADH or FADH2.
b.   accept the low energy electrons at the end of the electron transport chain.
c.   form ATP.
d.   to produce CO2.
e.   store high energy electrons to pass to complex I of the electron transport chain.

During chemiosmosis, ________ are transferred from NADH and FADH2 to electron acceptor molecules, and the energy released is used to create a(n) ________ gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
a.   ATP molecules; ADP molecule
b.   water molecules; oxygen
c.   protons; electron
d.   ADP molecules; ATP molecule
e.   electrons; proton

Which of the following terms would you associate with lactate fermentation?
a.   NADPH
b.   glycolysis
c.   ethanol
d.   citric acid cycle
e.   electron transport chain

During the citric acid cycle, each acetyl group entering the cycle yields
a.   four ATP, two NADH, and one FADH2.
b.   one ATP, two NADH, and four FADH2.
c.   three ATP, two NADH, and one FADH2.
d.   one ATP, three NADH, and one FADH2.
e.   one ATP, two NADH, and three FADH2.

Which of the following statements concerning decarboxylation reactions is FALSE?
a.   They are one type of general reaction that occurs during aerobic respiration.
b.   They involve the removal of two protons and two electrons.
c.   They occur as part of the citric acid cycle.
d.   They produce CO2 that is then exhaled via breathing.
e.   They involve the removal of a carboxyl group (-COOH) from a substrate.

The genes coding for rubisco are found
a.   both in the nuclear DNA and in the chloroplast DNA.
b.   both in the nuclear DNA and the mitochondrial DNA.
c.   only in the nuclear DNA.
d.   only in the chloroplast DNA.
e.   only in the mitochondrial DNA.

***How (exactly) is water split and oxygen released during photosynthesis?
a.   An energy-rich photon directly provides the energy to split water.
b.   An enzyme in photosystem I uses the energy of a photon to split water.
c.   The oxidized form of P680 splits water.
d.   A proton pump provides the energy to split water in the thylakoid lumen.
e.   ATP originating from the Calvin cycle splits water.

Which of the following reactions occur(s) during the Calvin cycle?
a.   photolysis of water
b.   synthesis of NADPH
c.   synthesis of ATP
d.   synthesis of sugars
e.   all of the above

Reaction centre complexes of the light-dependent reactions contain ________ and ________, which receive energy from ________.
a.   chlorophyll; antenna complexes; carotenoids
b.   accessory pigments; chlorophyll; antenna complexes
c.   carotenoids; proteins; chlorophyll
d.   proteins; antenna complexes; carotenoids
e.   chlorophyll; proteins; antenna complexes

In photosynthesis, how many molecules of carbon dioxide, ATP, and NADPH are needed to form two molecules of glucose?
a.   12, 36, and 24
b.   6, 18, and 12
c.   24, 18, and 24
d.   26, 18, and 24
e.   3, 9, and 6

Read 2008 times
14 Replies
Staff Member
10 years ago
1.   Organisms likely use visible light because
a.   a large proportion of the electromagnetic radiation on Earth is light.
b.   radiation with a higher energy than light might damage biological molecules more easily.
c.   radiation with a lower energy content than light might not have enough energy to excite electrons.
d.   radiation with longer wavelengths than light are absorbed by water and carbon dioxide.
e.   all of the above

Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
Staff Member
10 years ago
Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
a.   DNA can be damaged by ultraviolet radiation.
b.   The pigment melanin protects plants from excessive damage to their photosynthetic apparatus.
c.   Shorter wavelengths of radiation are more harmful to organisms than longer wavelengths.
d.   Human skin cells can be harmed by ultraviolet radiation.
e.   Visible light contains less energy than ultraviolet radiation.

Isn't E correct?

Not sure about B
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
Staff Member
10 years ago
a.   use organic or inorganic substances as an energy source.
b.   are found in protists.
c.   use organic substances as a carbon source.
d.   are found in certain groups of plants.
e.   are not found in prokaryotes.

Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
10 years ago
Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
a.   DNA can be damaged by ultraviolet radiation.
b.   The pigment melanin protects plants from excessive damage to their photosynthetic apparatus.
c.   Shorter wavelengths of radiation are more harmful to organisms than longer wavelengths.
d.   Human skin cells can be harmed by ultraviolet radiation.
e.   Visible light contains less energy than ultraviolet radiation.

Isn't E correct?

Not sure about B

I can't find anything for plant melanin, only human melanin which protects the skin from UV rays

Thanks for your help!
Staff Member
10 years ago
But does visible light have higher energy than UV?
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
floydian7 Author
10 years ago
But does visible light have higher energy than UV?

 haha definitely not, must have over read it. Not very good at those type of questions.

Thanks again
Staff Member
10 years ago
But does visible light have higher energy than UV?

 haha definitely not, must have over read it. Not very good at those type of questions.

Thanks again

NP, then what did you end up choosing?
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
10 years ago Edited: 10 years ago, zoltus
The total potential energy in a system is called
a.   entropy.
b.   free energy.
c.   enthalpy.
d.   exothermic.
e.   endothermic.

entropy - loss of free energy
free energy - energy available to be used in processes/reactions (some of this is lost in every reaction due to entropy)
enthalpy - the difference in energy content of the products and reactants - potential energy of the system
exothermic - a reaction that releases energy.
endothermic - a reaction that takes in energy.

From those definitions the most logical answer is enthalpy.
P.S., your exams are very similar to mine.
Post Merge: 10 years ago

Receptor mediated endocytosis
a.   moves liquids out of the cell.
b.   moves unspecified substances into the cell by forming a pocket in the plasma membrane.
c.   is very specific.
d.   involves a proton pump.

the fact that the endocytosis is receptor mediated indicates that it requires specificity.

A - also known as pinocytosis a form of endocytosis almost identical to phagocytosis. The main difference is that pinocytosis cellular drinking whereas phagocytosis is cellular eating (liquids vs solids)
B - phagocytosis - refer to above explanation
C - again, it is receptor mediated
D - completely irrelevant to the topic, proton pumps are primarily demonstrated in gen bio via their relation to ATP synthase (chapters on krebs cycle / calvin-benson cycle)
Staff Member
10 years ago
Nice team work! Smiling Face with Open Mouth
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
Answer accepted by topic starter
Posts: 10
Rep: 1 0
10 years ago Edited: 10 years ago, zoltus
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This verified answer contains over 490 words.

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floydian7 Author
10 years ago
wow I haven't been on all night until now thanks a lot.
10 years ago
Not a problem man. Review the chapters on respiration/photosynthesis and you got this exam in the bag :D.
Staff Member
10 years ago
Changed it Smiling Face with Open Mouth
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
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