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tdl6312 tdl6312
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6 years ago
During a health history, the nurse is concerned that a patient with depression is at risk for suicide when the patient
  1. states that suicide is always an option.
  2. describes a previous unsuccessful attempt at suicide by aspirin overdose.
  3. states that the prescribed medication is not working and that feelings of depression are worse.
  4. requests prescriptions for pain medication and a sleeping aid.
  5. expresses interest in meeting with friends more often.
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6 years ago
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,4
Rationale 1: If a person verbalizes about committing suicide, the talk must be taken seriously.
Rationale 2: A patient who has had a previous suicide attempt is at higher risk for suicide and must be monitored carefully.
Rationale 3: Worsening symptoms of depression must be reported immediately because these may indicate that the drug is not working or that the patient is not compliant with pharmacotherapy.
Rationale 4: All prescription drugs must be monitored because suicidal patients often take overdoses. Therapy with multiple central nervous system depressants is discouraged because these agents produce additive sedation.
Rationale 5: This information would not indicate a worsening of depression or the risk for suicide.
tdl6312 Author
6 years ago
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