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9 years ago
What is DNA replication?
What is the difference between RNA and DNA?
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3 Replies

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9 years ago Edited: 9 years ago, f_zah1
To make it easier for you to understand, I will explain step by step.

DNA replication means forming 2 identical molecules from a mother DNA molecule.
Completes in 3 steps.

a)Unwinding mother molecule
b)Assembling of complementary bases
c)Formation of new strands

Now let's look at each of them..

Unwinding of mother molecule

-DNA double helix unwinds
-Break down of H2 bonds take place
-This separates the 2 polyneucleotide chains exposing their Nitrogen bases
-Each strand now acts as a template to form the new strands.

Assembling of complementary bases

-Free neucleotides present in cytoplasm arranges in front of exposed neucleotide chains.
-Complementary bases are paired half by hydrogen bonds
-This takes place as follows.
A=T, T=A, G (triple bond) C, C(triple bond) G
-All the above processes are catalysed by DNA polymerase enzyme.

Formation of new strands

-Phosphodiester bond is formed inbetween new neucleotides.
-Forming the backbone of new polyneucleotide chains.
-This is catalyzed by DNA Lygaze enzyme
-Each new molecule is composed with,
a)1 new polyneucleotide chain &
b)1 chain from its mother molecule

Now coming to your second question,

For easy reference, let me compare the differences between DNA & RNA

RNA                           DNA
-Single chain                     -Double chain
-Ribose sugar present                  -Deoxyribose sugar present
-Instead of Thymine, Uracil base is present      -Instead of Uracil, Thymine is present
-Chain is shorter than DNA               -These are very long chains compared to RNA

Post Merge: 9 years ago

The facts under DNA were lined properly when I was typing but it appears to have shifted after posting  Undecided.  I hope you can still understand..
9 years ago
9 years ago
DNA is where genetic information and directions are stored, every individual organism has different DNA patterns
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