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Briteangelsteph Briteangelsteph
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6 years ago
Why is identifying the steps of the research process the first step in the critical appraisal process for quantitative research? (Select all that apply.)
  a. Identifying the steps in the process indicates that the reader knows what these are.
  b. Identifying the steps is more important than understanding.
  c. Identifying the steps implies that the reader understands everything in the research report.
  d. Identifying the steps indicates that the reader comprehends the concepts in the research report.
  e. Identifying the steps of the research process implies understanding the terms the researcher uses in the research report.
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6 years ago
ANS: A, D, E
The critical appraisal process for quantitative research includes three steps: (1) identifying the steps of the research process, (2) determining study strengths and weaknesses, and (3) evaluating the credibility and meaning of a study to nursing knowledge and practice. These steps occur in sequence, vary in depth, and presume accomplishment of the preceding steps. However, an individual with critical appraisal experience frequently performs several steps of this process simultaneously. Initial attempts to comprehend research articles are often frustrating because the terminology and stylized manner of the report are unfamiliar. Identification of the steps of the research process in a quantitative study is the first step in critical appraisal. It involves understanding the terms and concepts in the report, as well as identifying study elements and grasping the nature, significance, and meaning of these elements.
6 years ago
Makes more sense now, ty
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