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Yoshi Yoshi
Posts: 4092
9 years ago
Why is the Middle East currently the breeding ground for considerable terrorist activity?

A) High birth rates produce many unemployed youth who are attracted to the simplistic lessons of Islamism, which has made the United States an object of hate.
B) Low birth rates produce too few citizens to keep the economy growing and poverty breeds unrest.
C) High birth rates produce many unemployed youth who are attracted to the complex lessons of Islamism, which has made other Middle Eastern nations an object of hate.
D) Low birth rates produce too few citizens to keep the economy growing, and the poor are attracted to the simplistic lessons of Islamism, which has made the United States an object of hate.

This is for my political science class.
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9 years ago
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9 years ago
Muchas gracias!

Appreciate your help tremendously Smiling Face with Open Mouth
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