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santielvira98 santielvira98
Posts: 1047
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6 years ago
The home health nurse is providing care to a 2-week-old newborn, and notes that the baby has a necklace with a charm around the neck. The parents state that they believe the charm will keep the baby healthy. Which nursing action is most appropriate?
  1. Report the parent to Social Services for endangering the child.
  2. Respect the parents' wishes and leave the necklace in place.
  3. Remove the necklace and inform the parents that it is dangerous.
  4. Ask the parents to remove the necklace.
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6 years ago
1. The nurse should honor the practices of the family. To do otherwise would lead to loss of trust from the family. The nurse can provide anticipatory guidance to the family that includes safety principles as the infant grows.
2. Families of different cultural backgrounds might have specific beliefs about health care. These beliefs might differ from those of the nurse. The nurse should honor the practices of the family.
3. The nurse should honor the practices of the family. To do otherwise would lead to loss of trust from the family. The nurse can provide anticipatory guidance to the family that includes safety principles as the infant grows.
4. The nurse should honor the practices of the family. To do otherwise would lead to loss of trust from the family. The nurse can provide anticipatory guidance to the family that includes safety principles as the infant grows.
Cognitive Level: Applying
Client Need/Sub: Safe and Effective Care Environment/Management of Care
Standards: QSEN Competencies: I.B.3. Provide patient-centered care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience  AACN Essential Competencies: VII.5. Use evidence-based practices to guide health teaching, health counseling, screening, outreach, disease and outbreak investigation, referral and follow-up throughout the lifespan  NLN Competencies: Knowledge and Context: Practice: apply health promotion/disease prevention strategies; apply health policy  Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation
Learning Outcome: 37.4 Discuss the community healthcare settings where nurses provide health services to children.
MNL Learning Outcome: 1.3.3. Examine the role of the nurse in promoting culturally competent family-centered care.
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