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aq__t aq__t
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6 years ago
A client with dysfunctional labor patterns has a nursing diagnosis of Acute pain maternal, related to uterine irritability and prolonged labor. Which of the following would the nurse use as evidence to support this diagnosis?
  a. Non-reassuring fetal tracing inclusive of severe variable decelerations; late decelerations
  b. Maternal fever of 100.4F or 38C, maternal tachycardia, fetal tachycardia, or a combination of these
  c. Client questions and an inability to cooperate with requested interventions
  d. Frequent or persistent maternal requests for pain relief, frequent uterine contractions, poor uterine resting tone, and failure of the cervix to dilate 1 to 2 cm per hour on cervical assessment
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6 years ago
The most appropriate evidence to support the diagnosis of acute pain would include frequent or persistent maternal requests for pain relief, frequent uterine contractions, poor uterine resting tone, and failure of the cervix to dilate 1 to 2 cm per hour on cervical assessment
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