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Dmal5776 Dmal5776
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6 years ago
Mention some of the reasons why people drink alcohol.
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6 years ago
Students' answers may vary.
Social patterns influence people to drink in a wide variety of situations, such as at happy hours, before and after dinner, and at parties. There are also individual reasons for drinking. Some people drink because alcohol acts as a social lubricant, relaxing them so that they feel more at ease interacting with others. Some drink simply to relax. Others use alcohol as a kind of anesthetic, to dull the pain of living and to take their minds off their problems. Some excessive drinkers seek a continual buzz to avoid facing life. Others drink occasionally to get high. Some insomniacs drink so that they will sleep (often they pass out). Drinking before a flight is common for persons with a fear of flying because alcohol has a tranquilizing effect. Also, people often drink to temporarily get rid of unwanted emotions such as loneliness, anxiety, depression, feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, guilt, and resentment.

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