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12 years ago

1. the cerebrum of the brain is considered as "grey matter" because the cells are lacking myelin sheath. it is assumed that brain cells cannot regenerate because of which characteristic of axons?

A. Axons of the central nervous system lack a neurilemma.
B. Axons of the peripheral nervous system lack a neurilemma.
C. Axons of the central nervous system are surrounded by a neurilemma.
D. Axons of the peripheral nervous system are surrounded by a neurilemma.

2. When reading, a person with astigmatism will see some lines in a sharp focus while others appear blurred. Astigmatism is caused by the

A. number of cones on some parts of the retina being deficient
B. curvature of the cornea or lens not being symmetrical
C. lens becoming cloudy and rigid
D. inability of the iris to contract dilate

3. Sound waves and the nerve impulses created by them follow which pathway through the ear?

A. Eardrum> cochlea> ossicles> autitory nerve
B. Ossicles> Eustachian tube> semicircular canals> autitory nerve
C. Ossicles> cochlea> tympanic membrane> auditory nerve
D. Eardrum> ossicles> organ of Corti> auditory nerve

4. All the following assist in the protection of the brain EXCEPT the

A. elastic meninges that prevent the direct circulation of blood through brain cells blocking toxins and infectious agents from reaching the brain.
B. cerebrospinal fluid that can act as a shock absorber for the delicate brain tissue.
C. muscle co-ordination and balance by the cerebrum to avoid injury.
D. skull, made of bone, that provides armour to the fragile brain.

5. The seperation of the blood and the central nervous system is called the blood-brain barrier. the blood-brain barrier offers portection to the brain, but some substances pass through the blood-brain barrier EXCEPT

A. some drugs such as heroin pass through the bi-lipoprotein layer of the cell membrane
B. oxygen and glucose which are used in cellular repiration and pass with the aid of a special transport mechanism.
C. alcohol, which can cause severe brain damage in the fetus.
D. many poisons, toxins, infectious agents (viruses, and some drugs such as penicillin

6. The four pairs of lobes of the cerebral cortex are

A. Broca's area, Wernick's area, sensory area, motor area
B. cerebellum, cerebrum, medulla oblongata, hypothalamus
C. hindbrain, forebrain, midbrain, and anterior brain
D. fronatal, occipital, temporal, and parietal

7. Two areas of the cerebrum that involve the process of speech are Wernick's are and Broca's area. The main functions of Wernick's area and Broca's area, respectively, are

A. Singing a muscial score and the ability ti read sheet music
B. Speaking more than one language and abliity to understand spoken Latin and Greek
C. Comprehension of language and co-ordination of muscles necessary for speaking
D.The translation of thought into spoken word and the storage of information in understanding language

8. Biofeedback consists of concious efforts to control body responses that are normally involuntary. some individulas have used this technique to lower their heart rate. Concious efforts to control body responses through biofeedback originate in the

A. medulla oblongata
B. hypothalmus
C. cerebellum
D. cerebrum

9. Your decision to open the refrigertator door exemplifies the action of the

A. motor neuron of the autonomic NS
B. sensory neuron of the sensory-somatic NS
C. sensory neuron of the autonomic NS
D. motor neuron of the sensory-somatic NS
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12 years ago

Do you have the answers to this? I still need it Sad Dummy
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