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bturner bturner
Posts: 572
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6 years ago
One reason that repeated measures factorial designs are not used more often is because _____.
  a. presenting different treatments to the same participants creates demand characteristics
  b. participants are usually bored very early and stop paying attention to the stimuli
  c. it is impossible to assess the influence of carryover effects statistically
  d. they typically require three to four times the number of participants as a between subjects factorial design requires

When a participant guesses (correctly or incorrectly) the hypothesis that is being tested and behaves in a way believed to be appropriate to that hypothesis, _____ are present in the study.
  a. hypothetical judgments c. demand characteristics
  b. deductive modifications d. cooperative adjustments

Why is it important to know how many orders of treatments there are when conducting a repeated measures factorial experiment? It is important because _____.
  a. there must be a sufficient number of participants tested in each order to allow for statistical analysis of carryover effects
  b. there should always be at least twenty participants tested in each order so that the power of the experiment is sufficiently great
  c. the more orders there are, the lower the power of the experiment is, and the less likely it is that the null hypothesis will be rejected
  d. the more orders there are, the fewer degrees of freedom there will be in the ANOVA

If there are three combinations of treatments, how many orders of treatments would there be?
  a. 3 c. 12
  b. 6 d. 24

Counterbalancing the order of treatments in a repeated measures factorial experiment means that the treatments _____.
  a. are presented all possible orders to every participant in the experimental group
  b. are presented in ascending order to all participants
  c. are presented in different orders to different participants
  d. are presented in descending order to all participants

In your textbook, the author presented an example from mystery novels in which an evil-doer becomes immune to the effects of a poison by taking ever-increasing doses until s/he is immune to its effects. This phenomenon was likened to which of the following experimental effects?
  a. testing c. history
  b. multiple treatment interference d. external validity

Sue is serving in an experiment in which she sees lights of different brightness on various trials. Her task is to press a button as soon as she sees each light. Some of the lights are very bright, and it usually takes her more time to press the button if a dim light is presented on the very next trial. This is an example of a _____ effect in research.
  a. multiple treatment enhancement c. multiple treatment interference
  b. contrasting treatment decrement d. generalization decrement

When a _____ effect occurs, being exposed to a particular treatment condition early in an experiment affects the participant's response when exposed to different treatment conditions subsequently.
  a. history c. experimental primacy
  b. multiple treatment interference d. within subject generalization

Which of the following constitutes a threat to the internal validity of within subjects factorial designs?
  a. testing c. history
  b. the carryover effect d. all of these

In a within subjects design, _____.
  a. each subject is his or her own control
  b. subjects are randomly assigned to conditions
  c. subjects experience only one level of the treatments
  d. all of these
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