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Leahlaibe Leahlaibe
Posts: 546
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6 years ago
The variance in a one factor between groups experiment is divided into the variance _____ groups.
  a. above and below c. related to and independent of
  b. between and within d. outside and inside

In a one factor between groups experiment, the total variance is divided into the variance between groups and the variance _____ groups.
  a. around c. within
  b. over d. beside

The total variance in the one factor between subjects design is partitioned into _____ parts.
  a. one c. three
  b. two d. four

The analysis of variance has two advantages over the use of multiple t tests for comparing the group means in a one factor between groups study. The are _____.
  a. accuracy and efficiency
  b. maintaining the probability of both Type I and Type II errors at alpha
  c. maintaining the probability of a Type I error at alpha and efficiency
  d. maintaining the probability of a Type II error at alpha and efficiency

In a one factor between groups design having four groups, there are six possible two-group comparisons that should be made at the end of the experiment. If alpha is set at .05, and the experimenter uses the ANOVA to compare the group means, the experiment wise probability of a Type I error is _____.
  a. .05 c. .60
  b. .30 d. impossible to calculate

In a one factor between groups design having four groups, there are six possible two-group comparisons that should be made at the end of the experiment. If alpha is set at .05, and the experimenter uses separate t tests to compare the group means, the experiment wise probability of a Type I error is _____.
  a. .05
  b. .30
  c. .60
  d. impossible to determine without more information

The total _____ error is the total across all the statistical tests of the hypothesis using the same data.
  a. pair wise c. treatment
  b. experiment wise d. group

If an experimenter uses several t tests to compare the various group means found for a one factor between groups experiment instead of using the ANOVA, the experimenter runs a great risk of _____.
  a. failing to detect the effect of the treatment at all.
  b. greatly reducing the power of the experiment
  c. incorrectly concluding that the treatment affected the group means
  d. a and b

After gathering the data for an experiment with a one factor between groups design, if we were to conduct several t tests instead of an ANOVA, the probability of _____ would be unacceptably high.
  a. a Type I error c. null results
  b. a Type II error d. both a and b

In a one factor between groups design, if we want to know whether the difference between group means was produced by chance, we should analyze the data by conducting _____.
  a. an analysis of variance
  b. separate t tests for each pair of means
  c. either a or b
  d. none of these - we can tell by looking at the results on a bar graph
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