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tutubella tutubella
Posts: 544
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6 years ago
Social work's major professional organizations
  a. are increasingly organized on behalf of refugees, according to RodreckMupedziswa. b. are unable to contribute much to solving the refugee problem.
 c. should be focused on their home countries, not refugees from othercountries.
 d. have not organized on behalf of refugees, according to RodreckMupedziswa.

The United States
  a. sells arms in a pattern calibrated to actually reduce the possibility of war byincreasing deterrence.
 b. has under President Obama sharply reduced arms sales.
  c. is the top arms supplier to the world. d. is ranked fourth, after Britain, Russia and France.

Slavery has never been eradicated. Which statement is true?
  a. The slave trade is valued at an estimated 12 billion, a figure that isprobably conservative.
 b. As of 200, some 27 million people were enslaved around the world. c. Forms of slavery can easily include marriage and prostitution, as well asdebt bondage, forced labor and chattel slavery.
 d. All of them.

Which statement is true about the developmental model and modernization theory?
  a. The model and theory are actually fundamentally sound, but they werecorrupted by Cold War ideology.
 b. They represent a fundamentally misleading view of society that has actuallyincreased not only the number but the proportion of the world's populationthat lives in poverty.
 c. Properly applied, they reduce poverty by bringing people into the modernworld as quickly and painlessly as possible.
 d. They decreased the dependency of developing countries upon developedcountries.

In terms of global spending priorities in 1998,
  a. military spending is 1
  b. basic health and nutrition, including reproductive health care for women, isranked 1
 c. the cosmetics budget of the United States ranks below basic reproductivehealth for women.
 d. European ice cream is ranked below water and sanitation.

Which of the following statements is false?
  a. The United States has the highest inequality and poverty rates in the OECDexcept for Mexico and Turkey.
 b. Almost half of the world's 2.2 billion children live in poverty.
  c. Approximately 1.2 billion people live below the threshold of basic needs.
  d. After initial discomfort, in most countries, privatizing the water supply resultsin improved access to cleaner water at lower prices.

Which following statement is true about the world's population?
  a. In 2010, the world's population was approximately 6 billion.
  b. By 2025, 2/3rds of the world's population is expected to live in cities.
  c. There are less than 2 billion people under the age of 20 in the world'sdeveloping areas.
 d. The vast majority of the world's population is expected in northern Asia,Africa and Europe.

During the 1990s, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
  a. declined in prominence and popularity.
  b. disbursed approximately 25 of foreign aid. c. were not well-recognized by either governments or the UN.
  d. grew in prominence to the point that they currently disburse about 15 of allforeign aid.

When did many of the old non-profit organizations such as the Red Cross and the YMCA begin to disperse their administrative offices and operations around the world, and why?
  a. The 1940s, because the vast destruction of World War Two was notconfined to Europe.
 b. The 1960s, as development took off during that decade.
  c. The 1970s largely as they came to understand the scope and complexity ofsocial problems in the developing world. d. The 1980s, as globalization slowly began to emerge as an economic andpolitical force.

Which decades was known as the Decade of Development?
  a. The first post-war decade of 1945-1955.
  b. The 1960s.
  c. The 1950s.
  d. The 1970s.
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