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123kduncan 123kduncan
6 years ago

Jessie is being evaluated in the strange situation procedure. Jessie's mom places him on the floor of the play room and
  he crawls away from her. He does not look back or seek her attention the whole time he is in the play room. When his
  mother leaves the play room he does not notice she is gone and when she returns he does not want her to pick him up. He
  cries and stiffens his back when she tries to sit him in her lap. According to Ainsworth, what type or attachment might this
  baby be displaying?


a. Insecure attachment
  b. Avoidant attachment
  c. Anxious attachment
  d. Disorganized attachment

The strange situation procedure for measuring attachment was developed by

a. Bowlby.
  b. Zeaneh.
  c. Ainsworth.
  d. Main and Solomon

Which of the following statements is TRUE about attachment theory?

a. The caregiver and the infant seem to both be biologically programmed to form an attachment.
  b. The infant forms an attachment with the caregiver because that person fulfills the infant's need for food.
  c. Adults do not instinctively know how to talk to a baby; they have to be instructed in the proper method.
  d. The primitive infant reflexes of grasping, sucking, and rooting are not appealing to parents, so these reflexes
  disappear quickly or they will interfere with attachment.


a. Bowlby.
  b. Harlow.
  c. Belsky.
  d. Skinner

Alan and Nancy have taken their child to the pediatrician for a check-up. They discuss a behavioral concern they have
  about the baby in her new play group. She seems fearful and clingy whenever they try to leave her to play with the other
  children. The doctor suggests they stay near the baby when they first go to the play group until she begins to venture away
  from them on her own. When she feels comfortable and is having fun they can go visit with the other parents. What type
  of temperament does this baby probably have?

  a. Easy

b. Slow to warm up
  c. Difficult
  d. Quiet

Goodness of fit refers to

a. the fact that babies grow up before their Carter's wear out.
  b. the fact that personality characteristics persist over time.
  c. the fact that temperament is to an extent genetically determined but is also affected by the environment.
  d. how well the demands of the environment match the child's temperament style.

Thomas and Chess identified three temperament types. Which of the following is NOT one of those types?

a. Slow to warm up
  b. Easy
  c. Disorganized
  d. Difficult

When David cries, he cries out loud. His mother has always had a hard time taking him anywhere. Crowds upset him.
  He hates changes in his routine. He spits out new foods. His mother has a hard time planning her day because she never
  knows when she will be able to get him down for his nap. He is so vigorous and demanding, she needs the nap more than
  he does. Which temperament type does David most likely have?


a. Slow to warm up
  b. Active
  c. Disorganized
  d. Difficult

One-year-old Donnie is at the fair with his mother. A clown approaches and asks if she can make a balloon animal for
  Donnie. Donnie looks at the clown and frowns, and then looks at his mother. His mother smiles and nods, and Donnie
  turns to the clown and smiles. Donnie is exhibiting


a. social regulation.
  b. stranger anxiety.
  c. fear of clowns.
  d. social referencing.

Now Kerry wants to take her blanket to day care with her every morning. She calms faster and seems happier when
  allowed to keep her blanket after her mother leaves. The blanket serves as


a. a comfort object.
  b. a substitute caregiver.
  c. a transference object.
  d. a transitional object

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6 years ago
1) b

- - - - - - - - - - - -

2) c

- - - - - - - - - - - -

3) a

- - - - - - - - - - - -

4) a

- - - - - - - - - - - -

5) b

- - - - - - - - - - - -

6) d

- - - - - - - - - - - -

7) c

- - - - - - - - - - - -

8) d

- - - - - - - - - - - -

9) d

- - - - - - - - - - - -

10) d
123kduncan Author
6 years ago
Now I'm convinced to ask more questions Slight Smile
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