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jlam10 jlam10
Posts: 477
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6 years ago
The peripheral nervous system connects the central nervous system to structures of the body.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

(Question 2) Sciatica is a form of neuritis that affects the sciatic nerve.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

(Question 3) The parasympathetic nervous system is referred to as the fight-or-flight system.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

(Question 4) The spinal nerves are named in relation to their location on the spinal cord.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

(Question 5) A nerve composed of fibers carrying impulses to the brain or spinal cord from muscles or glands is called an efferent nerve.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

(Question 6) The peripheral nervous system includes all the nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord with sensory receptors, muscles, and glands.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

(Question 7) ____________________ is an inflammation of the brain.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

(Question 8) Name the three parts of the brain stem: ____________________, ____________________, and ____________________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

(Question 9) The ____________________ is the largest part of the brain.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

(Question 10) The substance that serves as a liquid shock absorber protecting the brain and spinal cord is called ________________________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word
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6 years ago
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jlam10 Author

6 years ago
This site is awesome

Smart ... Thanks!

2 hours ago
Correct Slight Smile TY
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