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Bowhunter522 Bowhunter522
Posts: 628
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6 years ago
The placenta coverts what hormone into estrogen?
  a. DHEA from maternal adrenal cortex
  b. progesterone
  c. maternal androgens
  d. DHEA from fetal adrenal cortex
  e. it makes endogenous estrogen

(Question 2) The presence of what hormone in the urine forms the basis of pregnancy diagnosis tests?
  a. estrogen
  b. progesterone
  c. prolactin
  d. human chorionic gonadotropin
  e. LH

(Question 3) The normal sequence of developmental stages is
  a. blastocyst--morula--zygote--embryo--fetus.
  b. blastocyst--zygote--embryo--morula--fetus.
  c. morula--fetus--embryo--blastocyst--zygote.
  d. morula--zygote--fetus--blastocyst--embryo.
  e. zygote--morula--blastocyst--embryo--fetus.

(Question 4) During which week of pregnancy does hCG output decline?
  a. 1
  b. 5
  c. 10
  d. 30
  e. 40

(Question 5) What is the source of estrogen and progesterone during the first ten weeks of pregnancy?
  a. ovarian follicle
  b. placenta
  c. corpus luteum of pregnancy
  d. anterior pituitary
  e. trophoblast

(Question 6) Human chorionic gonadotropin
  a. is secreted by the corpus luteum of pregnancy.
  b. in the urine is the basis of pregnancy diagnosis tests.
  c. stimulates placental secretion of estrogen and progesterone.
  d. both (a) and (b) above.
  e. all of these answers.

(Question 7) Which of the following statements concerning the placenta is correct?
  a. The placenta secretes human chorionic gonadotropin, estrogen, and progesterone.
  b. The placenta serves the functions of the circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems for the fetus.
  c. Maternal and fetal blood are mixed together within the placenta.
  d. Both (a) and (b) above are correct.
  e. All of these answers are correct.

(Question 8) The placenta performs the functions of all of the following systems for the fetus except
  a. digestion.
  b. respiration.
  c. circulation.
  d. kidneys.
  e. hormone secretion.

(Question 9) Implantation of the __________ occurs _______ days after fertilization.
  a. fetus/10
  b. blastocyst/7
  c. morula/3
  d. zygote/7
  e. embryo/10

(Question 10) The trophoblast of the blastocyst is destined to become
  a. the fetus.
  b. the fetal portion of the placenta.
  c. the inner cell mass.
  d. the amniotic sac.
  e. the corpus luteum of pregnancy.
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