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AnitaSmith AnitaSmith
Posts: 606
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6 years ago
Muscle tension
  a. is created during muscle contraction as the tension generated by the contractile elements is transmitted via the connective tissue and tendons to the bones.
  b. is the force exerted on a muscle by the weight of an object.
  c. is greater than the load during an isometric contraction.
  d. more than one of these.
  e. none of these answers.

(Question 2) The swallowing center is located in the
  a. cerebral cortex.
  b. medulla.
  c. hypothalamus.
  d. throat.
  e. spinal cord.

(Question 3) If a skeletal muscle is lengthened significantly beyond its resting length:
  a. muscle tension is increased
  b. the muscle cannot shorten during contraction.
  c. at this state, the muscle will produce a force less than normal
  d. no change will occur
  e. only smooth muscle can be stretched beyond its resting length

(Question 4) Swallowing
  a. includes the movement of the bolus from the mouth to the stomach.
  b. includes only the movement of the bolus from the mouth to the esophagus.
  c. is a sequentially programmed, multiple response, all-or-none reflex.
  d. both (a) and (c) above.
  e. both (b) and (c) above.

(Question 5) Which of the following statements concerning the length-tension relationship of skeletal muscle is incorrect?
  a. when a muscle is maximally stretched, it can develop the most tension upon contraction because the thin filaments can slide in a maximal distance.
  b. maximum tension can be developed if the muscle is at its lowest at the onset of contraction.
  c. in the body, the relaxed length of muscle is at its optimal length.
  d. when the initial length of muscle prior to contraction becomes very short, tension is decreased during contraction because of thin filament overlap, because the thick filaments are compressed against the Z lines, and because not as much Ca2+ is released during excitation-contraction coupling.
  e. the tension that can be achieved during a tetanic contraction is less when a muscle is shorter or longer than its optimal length at the onset of contraction.

(Question 6) Digestion in the mouth involves
  a. hydrolysis of proteins my amylase
  b. absorption of simple sugars
  c. hormonal control
  d. hydrolysis of polysaccharides by amylase
  e. bile actions

(Question 7) Which of the following statements concerning the length-tension relationship is incorrect?
  a. It refers to the relationship between the length of the muscle before the onset of contraction and the tetanic tension that each contracting fiber can subsequently develop at that length.
  b. it is based on the amount of overlap of thick and thin filaments.
  c. it allows no tension development if the whole muscle is stretched to 30 longer than its optimal length.
  d. within the body, it is limited to a functional range because of limitations on muscle length imposed by attachment to the skeleton.
  e. none of these answers.

(Question 8) Which of the following is entirely under nervous control and has no hormonal regulatory component?
  a. salivary secretion.
  b. gastric secretion.
  c. pancreatic secretion.
  d. liver secretion.
  e. all of these answers have a hormonal regulatory component.

(Question 9) Which of the following characteristics associated with twitch summation allows for maximal contraction force?
  a. high levels of NE in the synapse
  b. lower frequency of action potentials in the sarcolemma
  c. increased movement of calcium into the sarcoplasmic reticulum
  d. rapid rise of calcium in the cytosol
  e. longer latent periods of contractions

(Question 10) Which of the following statements concerning the process of salivation is incorrect?
  a. salivation is entirely under neural control.
  b. parasympathetic stimulation and sympathetic stimulation both increase salivary secretion.
  c. the acquired salivary reflex occurs upon stimulation of chemoreceptors and/or pressure receptors in the mouth.
  d. parasympathetic stimulation produces a watery saliva rich in enzymes.
  e. the salivary center is located in the medulla.
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6 years ago
I'm still confused, but thanks for answering correctly
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