The chemical digestion of the disaccharides occurs in the ______.
A. Small intestine
B. Large intestine
C. Mouth
D. Stomach
E. Esophagus
Question 2) Match the cells of the duodenal mucosa with the correct function.
1. Produce mucous Absorptive cells
2. Produce secretin and cholecystokinin Goblet cells
3. Protect intestinal epithelium from bacteria Granulosa cells
4. Produce digestive enzymes and absorb digested food Endocrine cells
Question 3) The _____________ phase of gastric regulation is initiated when acidic chyme enters the duodenum and simulates the secretion of hormones and local reflexes that inhibit gastric activity.
A. gastrointestinal
B. cephalic
C. laryngo-pharyngeal
D. voluntary
Question 4) All of the following are substances found within saliva, except _________.
A. hydrochloric acid
B. bicarbonate ion
C. amylase
D. mucin
E. lysozymes
Question 5) Match each gastric secretion with the correct function
1. Protects lining of the stomach Hydrochloric acid
2. Destroys ingested bacteria and activates pepsin Gastrin
3. Active form aids in breaking proteins into smaller peptide chains Intrinsic factor
4. Stimulates gastric secretions Pepsinogen
5. Aids in the absorption of Vitamin B12 Mucous
Question 6) The muscle that forms the majority of the lips is the _____ and the muscle that forms the majority of the cheeks is the _____.
A. orbicularis oris; buccinator
B. buccinators; orbicularis oris
C. masseter; buccinator
D. buccinators; masseter
E. orbicularis oculi; masseter
Question 7) All of the following are muscles of mastication, except the ______________.
A. buccinator
B. temporalis
C. masseter
D. medial pterygoid
E. lateral pterygoid
Question 8) Segmental contractions are mixing contractions that occur predominantly in the _________________.
A. oral cavity
B. large intestine
C. esophagus
D. stomach
E. small intestine
Question 9) All of the following are basic functions of the digestive system, except ___________.
A. ingestion
B. mastication
C. digestion
D. absorption
E. circulation
Question 10) What is ascites?
A. The excess accumulation of fluid in the abdomen
B. The increased absorption of water from the chime in the colon
C. The increased secretion of digestive enzymes due to nervous stimulation
D. The rapid elimination of feces due to toxin production