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Sonikapardal Sonikapardal
Posts: 644
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6 years ago
Which structure connects the right and left cerebral hemispheres?
  A) basal nuclei
  B) fornix
  C) corpus callosum
  D) infundibulum

(Question 2) Which statement regarding the dentition of pigs and humans is correct?
  A) Pigs and humans have the same number of teeth.
  B) Pigs have fewer teeth than humans do.
  C) Pigs have more teeth than humans do.

(Question 3) What area of the brain contains the primary motor cortex, which is where voluntary commands to skeletal muscles are generated?
  A) postcentral gyrus
  B) precentral gyrus
  C) occipital lobe
  D) temporal lobe

(Question 4) Which of these are found in pigs but NOT humans?
  A) right primary bronchus
  B) apical bronchus
  C) trachea
  D) left primary bronchus

(Question 5) All of the following are lobes of the cerebral hemispheres EXCEPT the ________.
  A) insula
  B) cerebellum
  C) frontal
  D) temporal

(Question 6) Which statement comparing the right lung of a pig and a human is correct?
  A) The right lung of the pig has more lobes than the human right lung.
  B) The right lung of the pig has fewer lobes than the human right lung.
  C) The right lung of the pig has the same number lobes as the human right lung.

(Question 7) Which ventricle of the brain is found in the diencephalon?
  A) third ventricle
  B) first ventricle
  C) second ventricle
  D) fourth ventricle

(Question 8) Ridges of tissue on the surface of the cerebral hemispheres are called ________.
  A) ganglia
  B) sulci
  C) fissures
  D) gyri

(Question 9) The central sulcus separates which lobes of the cerebrum?
  A) temporal from parietal
  B) parietal from occipital
  C) frontal from parietal
  D) frontal from temporal

(Question 10) The first branch from the trachea is the ________.
  A) primary bronchus
  B) secondary bronchus
  C) alveoli
  D) hilus
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6 years ago
1) C
A) The basal nuclei are involved in automating voluntary muscle contractions.
B) The fornix connects deep structures of the limbic system.
D) The infundibulum attaches the pituitary gland to the hypothalamus.

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2) A
B) Although both pigs and humans have a total of 32 teeth, the number of each type of tooth is different.
C) Although both pigs and humans have a total of 32 teeth, the number of each type of tooth is different.

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3) B
A) The postcentral gyrus contains the primary sensory cortex.
C) The occipital lobe is not the primary motor cortex.
D) The temporal lobe contains the main auditory centers.

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4) B
A) In both humans and pigs, the trachea bifurcates into the left and right primary bronchi. Humans do not have an apical bronchus, which branches from the trachea anterior to the right primary bronchus in pigs.
C) In both humans and pigs, the trachea bifurcates into the left and right primary bronchi. Humans do not have an apical bronchus, which branches from the trachea anterior to the right primary bronchus in pigs.
D) In both humans and pigs, the trachea bifurcates into the left and right primary bronchi. Humans do not have an apical bronchus, which branches from the trachea anterior to the right primary bronchus in pigs.

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5) B
A) The insula is a lobe found in the cerebral hemispheres.
C) The frontal lobe is found in the cerebral hemispheres.
D) The temporal lobes are found in the cerebral hemispheres.

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6) A
B) The lungs of the pig have more lobes than the lungs of humans. The pig's right lung has four lobes: the apical bronchus supplies the apical lobe, and the right primary bronchus branches to supply the cardiac, intermediate, and diaphragmatic lobes.
C) The lungs of the pig have more lobes than the lungs of humans. The pig's right lung has four lobes: the apical bronchus supplies the apical lobe, and the right primary bronchus branches to supply the cardiac, intermediate, and diaphragmatic lobes.

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7) A
B) The first ventricle is found in the cerebral hemisphere.
C) The second ventricle is found in the cerebral hemisphere.
D) The fourth ventricle is found between the brain stem and the cerebellum.

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8) D
A) Ganglia are groups of cell bodies.
B) Sulci are shallow grooves on the surface of the cerebral hemispheres.
C) Fissures are deep grooves on the cerebrum.

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9) C
A) The central sulcus does not separate the temporal lobe from the parietal lobe.
B) The central sulcus does not separate the parietal from the occipital lobe.
D) The lateral sulcus separates the frontal from the temporal lobe.

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10) A
B) The trachea divides (bifurcates) into left and right primary bronchi. The bronchi penetrate the lungs at a slit-like hilus and branch repeatedly to supply the alveoli with air.
C) The trachea divides (bifurcates) into left and right primary bronchi. The bronchi penetrate the lungs at a slit-like hilus and branch repeatedly to supply the alveoli with air.
D) The trachea divides (bifurcates) into left and right primary bronchi. The bronchi penetrate the lungs at a slit-like hilus and branch repeatedly to supply the alveoli with air.
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