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Darkflower73 Darkflower73
Posts: 669
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6 years ago
All of the following are veins of the lower limbs EXCEPT the ________.
  A) external iliac vein
  B) fibular vein
  C) popliteal vein
  D) hepatic veins

(Question 2) Which muscles attached to hair follicles cause gooseflesh?
  A) arrector pili
  B) arrector integument
  C) arrector folliculi
  D) skeletal muscle

(Question 3) Identify the ovary in the following figure.
  A) A
  B) B
  C) C
  D) D
  E) E

(Question 4) Which veins drain blood from the diaphragm?
  A) phrenic veins
  B) hepatic veins
  C) adrenal veins
  D) renal veins

(Question 5) The dermis ________.
  A) is where melanocytes are found
  B) is avascular
  C) lacks sensory corpuscles and glands
  D) has two layers

(Question 6) Which of the following is NOT a structure of the female reproductive tract?
  A) uterine body
  B) uterine horns
  C) ductus deferens
  D) urogenital sinus

(Question 7) All of the following veins drain into the inferior vena cava EXCEPT the ________.
  A) lumbar veins
  B) external iliac vein
  C) gonadal veins
  D) adrenal veins

(Question 8) If a needle pierced your forearm, what is the order of epidermal layers the needle would pass through?
  A) basale, spinosum, granulosum, corneum
  B) granulosum, basale, spinosum, corneum
  C) basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, corneum
  D) corneum, granulosum, spinosum, basale

(Question 9) List the following organs or structures in the order that a sperm will pass through them after 1. leaving the testes: 2. Ductus deferens 3. Urethra 4. Epididymis
  A) 3, 2, 1
  B) 1, 2, 3
  C) 1, 3, 2
  D) 3, 1, 2

(Question 10) Which vein is often used to collect blood from an individual?
  A) basilic vein
  B) cephalic vein
  C) median cubital vein
  D) axillary vein
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6 years ago
1) D
A) The external iliac vein is found in the lower limb.
B) The fibular vein is found in the lower limb.
C) The popliteal vein is found in the lower limb.

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2) A
B) Arrector integument does not exist.
C) Arrector folliculi does not exist.
D) Skeletal muscle is not associated with hair follicles.

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3) A
B) Letter B is marking the fimbriae.
C) Letter C is marking the uterine tube.
D) Letter D is marking the vagina.
E) Letter E is marking the urinary bladder.

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4) A
B) The hepatic veins drain the liver.
C) Adrenal veins drain the adrenal glands.
D) Renal veins drain the kidneys.

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5) D
A) Melanocytes are found in the epidermis.
B) There are blood vessels in the dermis.
C) There are both sensory corpuscles and glands in the dermis.

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6) C
A) Unlike the pear-shaped uterus of the human, the uterus of the cat is Y-shaped (bicornate) and consists of two large uterine horns joining a single uterine body.
B) Unlike the pear-shaped uterus of the human, the uterus of the cat is Y-shaped (bicornate) and consists of two large uterine horns joining a single uterine body.
C) The ductus deferens carries spermatozoa from the epididymis to the urethra for transport out of the male body.
D) The urogenital sinus (vestibule) is the common passage for the urinary and reproductive systems.

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7) B
A) The lumbar veins drain into the inferior vena cava.
C) The gonadal veins drain into the inferior vena cava.
D) The adrenal veins drain into the inferior vena cava.

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8) D
A) This is the correct order of epidermal layers from super innermost layer to the most superficial layer.
B) This is not the correct order of epidermal layers from superficial to deep.
C) This is the proper order of epidermal layers from the innermost layer to the most superficial layer.

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9) D
A) The ductus deferens carries spermatozoa from the epididymis to the urethra for transport out of the body.
B) The ductus deferens carries spermatozoa from the epididymis to the urethra for transport out of the body.
C) The ductus deferens carries spermatozoa from the epididymis to the urethra for transport out of the body.

- - -

10) C
A) The basilic vein is not the common vein to collect blood.
B) The cephalic vein is not the common vein to collect blood.
D) The axillary vein is not the common vein to collect blood.
Darkflower73 Author
6 years ago
So very smart
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